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Chapter 2 Approaching beauty

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 04/09/2021

rise. I don't know what he saw, but immediately ran excitedly into the classroo

has a reason to go to class diligently in the future without his parents reminding and threatening. Of course, outside of the class, he was looking at t

s to stand up and introduce themselves. All the boys including

ys, I'

red under his breat

e line he had been thinking a lot about. If you want girls to notice you, besides being handsome and rich, you have

long with. My father is afraid of my mother, so I will not be better than him in t

oesn't care if others laugh or laugh. He only cared about one person's eyes, he accidentally caught Edna's glance and fl

one went home. James quickly dare

mes smiled happily

but quickly reacted, perhaps he had to go back and think about how to approach her. anyway, studying in the same class, he had a lot of opportunities and time. Thinki

s heart, he would definitely go back to his house and beat him up. then told him about studying together with Edna, making him angry. The more James thought, the more annoyed he becam

ll report to the teacher to

nly lit up. She is being bullied by others, it seems that the other party is still a boy. Very good then. Time for him to come out as a hero to save the beauty. Help her get ju

you..." James' words were caught in hi

onent Mark? He had a concussion today

ently speculated. Maybe James was charmed by the other girl, so his brotherly friendship with him,

do you k

other. Tell me what to do? Now it's hard for you. If he sided with Mark, surely Edna would be angry with him too. Then all the good images he had worked

you mom. I'll

t out of this awkward situation. He walked out with Edna's puzzled l

e wind does not stop. Edna ran quickly to pull Mark's hand, but as soon as she to

s captivated by your be

ize to me." Edna st

se still, the screen is broken. Yet he not only did not intend to repay her, but he did

u touched me. You yourself are

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