img That Royal Betrothal  /  Chapter 5 Uncalled For | 10.87%
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Chapter 5 Uncalled For

Word Count: 1446    |    Released on: 02/08/2021


o adapt. There were a lot of rooms like back there in England but the designs were

I sighted a gigantic door and before I could Mary Celeste, I ran inside, closing it behind me. I looked up to sight books all arranged

ooks. I scanned through and took a copy from one of my favourite auth

major habit of mine] I placed it

and faced the direction the voice came from. It was a man who was his 30’s.

l me Zara”. Turning, I o

fore. Who might you be?” I s

ed. “Suarez,

meeting you" I said

ill trying to be formal. He seemed n

ormalities, so feel free

but this time it’s playful and l

eing familiar with the palace? I barely adapt my

. The new traditions, living…I’m a bit fed up, you know.

. I didn’t have to pretend in

an easy job” he answered, as he offered me tea and I reluctantly take it. I had a husband an

told this and I would appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone" I lift my hand

d again and I smiled sincerely. He must

direction the voice came from and sighted Zack. I inwardly rolled my eyes as h

his respect as he bowed down. I sat do

doing here?”

was only three days.

are doing in a lonely library with a man?

ed the right places and slim fit

ucas said bowing his head and walking to his office which

care? The last time I checked, you did

ht now, witnessing this conversation because I had gone a

quickly or do you find pleasure in having secret affairs?” he said looking at me emotionlessly as he drew

t three different languages I had pick

erent. I had said it o

tongue. Even tho

ind it less amusing”, he drew nearer and I stood on tiptoe pressing fir

as his dark eyes stare into my sapphire ones. There was some

His hands reached for my face and before I could stop

e said quickwittedly. I shudder a bit as he rubbed that spot

. He worked his head in right and left directions as he forcefully asked for entrance

hat didn’t mean this fight was over. I thought dominating the kiss which he took over. I quickly

f passion. He was a good kisser, I thought. Really was that typ

re at him angrier. We were both panting from the

” he

by kissing each other. More or less he had just mou

e that my hand was on his shoulder

ly. “That was a mistake. And your o

y slap myself. I had just let someone who a

f he was m

thed husba

s eyes lit a bit. I looked in ecstasy as I

I may ask?” I as

ost elegance as I flicked my hair back from the slight press

e?”, I asked as I watched his

d out of

n adventu

er report again? It said someth

very much like that, you know” h

me books to dwindle off. I allowed him to get away with th


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