img That Royal Betrothal  /  Chapter 2 Royal Wedding Night | 4.35%
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Chapter 2 Royal Wedding Night

Word Count: 995    |    Released on: 02/08/2021


consummate the marriage after the ladies in waiting escorted me. I

was the talk of the town. You should

hat I was 10,000 miles away from my hom

f I would handle this just fine like a total mature woman. Talking

when he had tried to start a conversation with me and cringed

hat I couldn’t love in this marri

wasn’t ready for this, yet. The door reveals my husband in a robe as he nobly steps inside. He moved

I could not blame him for the question following my impatience movements

e moves closer till I couldn’t move backwards aga

at him more surprised at the fact that he said my na

at me confusingly. His face was illuminated by the candle lights

gain. I shuddered as he lifted my jaw and caressed my cheekbones making me

the both couple. This brought a qu


slow when he was about to make contact. I blinked as he kissed me and I hel

the adjoining. One that couldn’t compare to a few kisses that I

ild while growing up. N

lage children in disguise. But they just ne

y thoughts when I felt

I had lost all my confidence I h

ked, withdrawing his hands but

at. Any of that, please”,

aid looking at me in

to tell him that. I wasn’t experienced and

leave you totally.” He said scratching hi

need time to come to terms with this arranged marriage, you know.” I said. I couldn’t just

ed like that was the only thing he hea

tried to say, but w

said. I wasn’t going to talk intimately

now this?” he asked, calmly as I looked up at him

conservation skills and ha

wered, in j

ked playing with

idly said, holding a t

p for the night but he held me back and rolled me into

grimaced and

I que

s off you, dear wife.” he said harshly and left my hand as if was a piece of dirt. He walked to the o

d respected my decision just today we met. I was be

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