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Chapter 4 FOURTH

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

my day comes. I came not because I am sympathizing with what happened to my step

k on your dad,” mom said while crying, arms wrapping the l

ugh for my victory. If I could kill him numerously, I will. I was cursing him to

ot because of losing him. Painstaking of his fault on what he did to m

ing about everything. Been blind of all these years. Do

to get some luxurious life that money can offer. I don't even have plenty of money compares

lf with my stepfather that completed mom because of the things he ca

he unlucky days I had with him. I will make sure that my victorious day will come by doing that. Even when he will n

This is how big my anger to my stepdad. Yes, I made him like my dad as if that’s the big

thought that I wanted to vom

, while she’s still crying and hugging that disgusting dead body of him. I lea

survive?” mom said while heavy tears kept runni

o shout, I could shout at my mom right now. She’s still thinking that he

tween gritted teeth as emphasizing every word I said, and drastically look at me, eyes are dark and cloudy. I can feel that I sounded like a rude person from what I

Mom. I'm not supposed to say that," I said while I am facing down. I only wanted her to be strong, to be independen

ter all," she said with her voice full of emotio

Dad, nor my biological father? He is nothing

corpse. I felt that at any time he will move, stand, and will pull me in no tim

badge engraving his name and position from this hospita

you need. You know how Brent has been a good part of this Hospital. He's a good investor and a good man of course," the man said,

Because I can’t help to accept how my g*d*amn stepfather making a good impression on everyone when he’

nd walk near to them. “We’re no longer th

y, m

right now? Something is suspiciou

happens because for sure mom will take

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