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Chapter 3 THIRD

Word Count: 979    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

r complain and tell mom everything. It is close to impossible. Mom will never take my side because she did i

verflowing the room. I am sure that I closed it and even my door is lightly ope

I saw Brent standing

ing?” I even pulled up t

I can’t sleep,” he said starti

own. Don’t he have feet? I’m almost having my dreams and suddenly h

ime from the cosmetics company where my father makes her a full-time

ext to my room. I need to take a quick shower. I need to s

ile I didn’t remove my clothes. I just wish everything will end, that it will allevia

him from my sight. Just this few days. I just wanted few days of his non-existence. I would

demanded that he’ll be going to train me in his company

as your inheritance," he said smiling while we are loading from hi

ck kiss. “Thanks, Dad.” and turned

my company. You're brainy, for sure it would be easy-pissy for you. It would be better to give you

” and force a quick smile while the bac

business grow stronger, wider, and make us richer. That’s the only company I had.” He presses my hand to convince me. “I know you can do it, Ce

as he doesn’t want anyone not to follow him and even

y to another division so I could take his position. What a drat! He put him as my mom’s secretary so she w

morized everything and with the brain, I have been a Summa C*m Laude

ice. Everybody in the office wondering why my stepdad is not around when he didn't apply f

eply and almost choking her words as she speaks over the phone. She's also aski

ce. My heartbeat is pumping hard almost make me deaf and unstable. The news about my fath

fe because of the misery I had to endure from him. Today is the new day of my existence. This cage t


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