img NOT A SAINT  /  Chapter 1 FIRST | 1.92%
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Author: JL DANE
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Chapter 1 FIRST

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

e's Poin

e venue of the photoshoot. I am a top model and my m

rrived at the location of the photoshoot for the EL Magazine. "I

ice -annoyed and disgusted. Roalyn doesn't want people who are lazy and always having (as issues)

ing about it all I can do is to make a sigh. I wanted to forget but tho

ow plus the fact that I woke up late is another reason out of hell. I didn't know the alarm alrea

rassment while keeping my head down. Roa is ahead of ten years to me, as she ag

Roa when I am eighteen

s alright. Get dressed and can you please make it fast s

like me. Even she’s drastic sometimes, she's kind, helpful, a

ue or gossip scandals that can ruin my dignity, Roa is the person I could count on. She's my ideal

o build my career. It's all of my billionaire father— stepfather, I mean. He'll never my biological father anyway. When I turned twenty-four that is the seco

naging director while I'll be the CEO of the company when the constr

r you to make the photo shooting.” She's right. Because it was near to Ayala, the lot my s

ss and went straight to t

andles the construction site so it can easi

g, I'm getting older. I could have my own house and lot, a simple and small business to operate by n

This is how I am making plans for the future. Before making a secon

ifically when the contract offer is higher. Fourteen years old when my mom, Lucia Marcelo Echavez changed my biological father and marry

to pointed Spanish nose, reddish seductive heart-shaped lips, and to the nice curve hourglass figure. With the height of five and eight inches, down to my slender long legs, I

’s relatives were not on good terms. Maybe we are rich by now and I might grow on their side. But, what thing

that came from my father, Celestino Valdez Alcazar. When I was a child, my father always telling me about my father's life. According to him, he just ran away from Spain because of his rigid pa

vid mind that there are several men she went to just because of money. This includes foreigners, political officials, and rich old men from the c

food, and everything when I live at Los Baños, Laguna where my school is located,

potent, my mom had to accept everything and continue the mar

re with a mix of Philippine blood and a well-built body. It just a waste that he didn’t even have a child when his features are perfect for off

him. A perfect guy for every woman's dream. I even always had everything I demand. Close to becoming a spoiled daughter that’s why we become close to each other, in

ven think that I am twenty than my original age because of having a good body. Started dieting, adjusting, exercise a

enough that I despise him and wanted to bury him alive, especially how he became a control freak. The kindness he had has

shouts at me while I’m taking a

’t even protest in whateve

her hands after I did what she said. She s

showing. She even unbuttons one of them, so my cleavage will per

t naturally and pull a little higher your dress up. It would be wasted if you didn’t show how sexy and

felt nothing is change, I will still the same Celestine. Oh yeah

notice how the cameraman making a focus on those parts Roa mentioned. I can also tell

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