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Chapter 5 Family until the end

Word Count: 883    |    Released on: 30/03/2021



their lives tonight. My heart feels so heavy. That’s three families that will forever be changed. It’s times like thes

m? My captain was angry as hell. He kept demanding to know what was going on. Little by little everyone

r that tonight’s fire that damaged so much was intentio

e was going to be an amazing paramedic. My captain said she has a job with our fi

kfully. Maybe everything was going to be fine. Colby was strong. There was nothing

freaking out wanting to know how I was. In all honesty I sh

didn’t even ask him. I guess from all the talking I have done about her he already like

lty about him being there. The doctor really needs to let me

gave me the news I feel to my knees. My best friend, my brother was gone. Th

n’t deal with this right now. Joslyn tried to hold me, but I pushed her away. I ne


’t take it personally. He needed to be alone to deal with what has happened. As much I wanted to be th

thing but guilt. He was supposed to work tonight instead he was with me. I was glad he was wi

I hope they catch this arsonist before he strikes again.

g about the look of pain on Colton’s face. I hoped he didn’t do anything drastic. Some people make really

amazing man. The way he was tonight made me want him that much more. He helped so many families tonight. He was trying to comfort them and find out a

and saw a soaking wet Colton standing there. He didn’t wait for me to s

t, but he came to me. I knew in this moment that h

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