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Up in Smoke

Up in Smoke

Author: Janis Ross
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 392    |    Released on: 30/03/2021


career and worked a lot of hours. It didn’t leave much time for romance. He would meet women, but they only wanted him

time to go places and meet women, so he decided to go on a dating site and find love that wa

he worst of days better. Someone that won’t want to leave him because he has to leave her for work. He just r

le. To make a difference in the world. She has been so focused on her schooling and tak

g guys and was pretty shy. Joslyn was a plus-size girl and felt men wouldn’t want her b

month and he’s pushing for them to meet. She’s scared because she’s not the most confident person

r her insecurities and let love into her heart? Will Colton finally

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