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Chapter 4 No news

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 30/03/2021



ust a fellow firefighter to me. As close as we were I felt he was like a real brother t

hock when I saw Joslyn here. She was holding onto a woman I knew very well. She was the wife of one of my buddie

to see you here. Have y

’t heard anything. Wer

s on a date with

eren’t there. Do you

was one of the ones

olton is

These were my family, and some were hurt possibly even dead

e is saying anything. I shoul

from me to Joslyn. She looked shocked but happy in a way. I ca

wo of you were on th

g woman I finally talked

should have been there no one would have wanted th

was okay I was going to prove to her I was worth her time. Lacey looked at

I really hope that Neal is okay. The love that those two have is someth

he left for work. I knew Joslyn understood all of that. Now knowing that she is friends with Lacey and Neal means she unders


nd been one of the ones hurt. I was so glad he was on the date with me

o tore up. I am glad he’s okay. Seeing how he was with Lacey showed me he was a good man. Lace

he was. He sat in the waiting room with me holding my hand. We were just wa

wasn’t easy doing the job they did. Never knowing if the call they are

okay. I knew this was going to be a long night, so I decided t

you going

ome coffee since it seems like

go wit

e they have news about you

amazing wom

ght before. He kissed me on my forehead, and I blushed. I couldn’t wait to go on another date with hi

ton’s arms when I got back. I was scared to see what they had fo


rns, but other than that he’s okay. I am

the best news. Give

being here for me. Joslyn you can go home

e if you nee


so happy. I can’t imagine what either of us would have done if Neal had

all you when all this

but I’m no

kay now, so I fig

would I be if I wasn’t he

was trying to hide. There was no way I was going to leave him her

face to the amazing personality. Tonight, has shown me that life has no

n have to th

been getting to know each other for a whi

the look on the man’s face I could tell he didn’t have good news. I held Colton’s hand a little tighter.

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