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Reading History

Chapter 4 no.4

Word Count: 694    |    Released on: 06/06/2018


is going to kill me today. Ohh gosh So

standing next to my locker. The rest of the corridor was empty, as I was app

as R

He must be late for class

ay said with a worryi

till panting hard as I grabb

ght?" Ray asked fur

ct." I said

't you have a class right now?" I a

s just wait

n you rep

id giving him

sed glint in his eyes. I don't know whether it's just me or h

t of it

nd looking everywhere but at him. Well, I won't lie b

ot good,

aren't we?" He said as i

he side of my head with

I just s

ean that you have to wait

still want to argue? Because I can do that whole day

ant M

utiful b


s I started rushing towards the

s class with me. Why

ready started teaching. As soon as he

k that you are late Miss Esin

orry sir, this w

e on in." Mr.

ached my desk I heard Mr. Hanks say


, why isn't he

was sitting right next to me but R

doing here?"

anced at him through the periphery of my eye. He st

e time to thin

share this lecture wit

lied with a mischievou

etely irritated by that sm

thing." He said out of now

im to continue and get ov

u notice me too m

a tomato, I tried to compose mys

way you're not letting me." He said and before I could re

oaf. He's just m

all haywire when h

list, now I have to tolera



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