img Stuck With Mr. Popular  /  Chapter 5 no.5 | 12.50%
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Reading History

Chapter 5 no.5

Word Count: 888    |    Released on: 06/06/2018

Our project isn't going too well and mind you I'm doing all

e understands what I teach him. He never asks me anything related to the topics which we've covered

rid of him. Yeah, t

ut we have an inter school competition in our scho

t going gra

it into m

ead N

with almost every second

nd I was ready to set my plan in

ge from

p to

ering if you'd like to grab

This is not a date. It'

care about

roject as soon as possible. We don

. Co


ll see you t


d I saw a girl nearly our age having a perfect

rl who stood next to her. It seems like she was sc

ep husky voice. I tilted my head upwards and realize

plied. I could fee

he doesn't need an e

?" Ray asked. A small smi

blushing. Geez tha

d sugar" I said while prete

He replied and heade

our orders, the two girls who were

aymond, placing my co

ly the coffee seemed more interesti

met once or twice and we just passed a smil

opular of the school. I knew that he could anyt

actly what di

t even started my part and there are hardly days lef

yes to meet his. He was pleading me through his

onfident. I felt like I cou

uld change him. I coul

ied. My lips pursed

angry at me?" He

"? I r

s way to his face, as he wiped off t

noise went across the hall. The same girl I was looking

Diner could si

u ever thought why would a popular guy like Caleb will fall for a nerd like you? Just

ho said those words looked innocent. Her face was Angelic. Anyone could fall in love with her

oks were still lying on the table and her fingers were tightly gripping them. Her breat

umiliated she felt

staring at her. Some of th

to look a


out it" I d


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