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Chapter 2 Rachel's life

Word Count: 401    |    Released on: 15/03/2024

r, observed as Rachel, now a potent werewolf, greete

enchanted glade, and Eldenwood braced for a saga

od was deceptive, filled with the fai

urked in the darkness. Driven by a deep-seated need for rev

is most trusted lieutenant. Drey, known for his mercile

an feel she's out there. The one who slipped through o

nt of fear, replied, "Your wish is my command, Al

tragedy and a new beginning. The moon cast strange shadows over Eldenwood as Drey moved s

over the communities of Eldenwood, and rumors of his quest spread like ripples through the supernatura

d. There, in a tavern where the light struggled to shine, he grilled the loca

tracking the saga since Rachel's transformation. He

hed Drey, "What's your i

ered, "The Alpha wants her. I'd st

, "Her fate's tied to Eldenwood.

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