img His mistresss  /  Chapter 4 Disgusting future Queen.. | 12.12%
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Chapter 4 Disgusting future Queen..

Word Count: 638    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

arents approached the corner where the cabi

mmotion as they approache

ot watch what you're

lady,it won't

won't,Dad I

ing on me of I get fired I won't be able to

that when you decided to thr


rived at the scene and gets to see the

sties" The

re was about a total of twelve Elde

y dear?" Queen Pada

a cup of hot coffee on

my worker so her incompetency shou

okay am not the least an

d already see you'd

nnocent as the King turns to

that her father" She gestures t

et you my prince

r acting. She had no idea they di

ng of his thoughts on

lk her mother as you see her father is

says leading Amelia out of the throne room as g

set to be engag

ably get marr

t the thought of marrying her. Who even sai

id b

you study

young I've been trained and busy

ave an illiterate as Wif

den they noticed a carriage st

used carriage at this modern age but no

e butler open up the carriag

here l

ple to cover the event since they had be

hink the better things they

to the hall" Ra

n?" Ame

start heading back in the dir

front paying respect to the King and Queen with Princes

ter around them because he didn't trust them but he dec

e Princess along with the Wit

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