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His Sweetest Obsession

His Sweetest Obsession

Author: SulatniMiss E
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Chapter 1 I Love You

Word Count: 1072    |    Released on: 04/01/2024

ned in the dazzling morning but that disappeared immedi

aked after they made love. He watches her as she opens her eyes she ya

ning." Sh

r and wrapped her int

you are my wife now. The only one that I lov

ide open but it was replaced instantly by

and throws a glimm

waist as he looked into her beautifu

d his face using her thumb, and

g me," his voice goes

could still feel the sensation between them after they made love. They are both lying on the same soft bed. Admiring eac

y married. His deep brown eyes flashed with an alluring desire that could make her heart beat as th

and she admired how broad his backside was and

amn goo

nd said, "What are you thinking Mrs. A

ust simpl

towards he

d whispered, "I didn't know that you were

expression took over her while c

oud as she banged

annoying." S

o her. She felt him as their body collided. Samantha was on top of him he could now fe

felt each other breath, "What are you

the one who feels you, because of that

it was her breast so



her face to him. "Are you ashamed of

iam en

ed her into the bathroom, " We

," He spoke as he carri

ung open, "No let

or you and that's a

d on the shower and put down Samantha. Then he kissed

w my wife. I've never been t

you to taste me more


nce they were together under one roof they

the wardrobe. She found a pair of oversized T-shirt

ried. The man she is with now is the kind of man she wants to be with for the rest of her life. She lov

he kitchen. She started cooking their food, and Liam was there too af

Liam asked behind her as he wr

that good

he smells her. "I have a surpris

would be

would like

htly around her waist. "Am I

to hug me if I'm going to do t

I will love you 'til death. Thank you for giving me a chance to make you feel

me. There's nothi

for a minute and pu

kisses and whispe

so she sighed. But he pul

, I love you so much. Nothing would stop m

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