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Chapter 5 God of Light

Word Count: 2024    |    Released on: 14/12/2023

On the banks of the river covered with corpses, cries rang out four hundred miles away. But in the castle of lords, gold, and food still abound. Many people still comfortably paddle on the L

heir corpses everywhere in the city. Seeing the human world suffer like this, in contrast to the peace and wealth of heaven,

wide yellow robe, a very beautiful face, and white and even

row they will still starve.” His v

s your

er I call it, i

you doin

't intend to leave either. Almira Akshita continued to distribu

ly live to this day. Their fates

iers on horseback ran up, a child was engrossed in eating, could not avoid it, and was kic

it, it will surely die, fat

s only a

ho corrupts a lot of money to live well." Then he pointe

heir previous lives but committed so many crimes.” He continued to p

not have to walk anymore. Look at those people who have died with only skeletons left over

but they always blame the gods that the indifference of the gods has

ugh the man's running, one thing can be seen his martial arts are no less, but he would rather die than let go of that girl, so

t afraid of death, come here." The people surrounding him heard him

ourage, get out of the w

While everyone was looking at each other,

unded man suddenly started bleeding. A sword stabbed straight into the wounded man, straight into his heart, the one stabbing him wa

h, but you killed

eyes. Her statement not only surprised Archibald Arnold but also surprised Almira Akshita. Does this mean that the girl holding the s

nold grabbed Audrey Ella with all

hem where I am hiding. I know you put poison in your food to kill me. I don't blame you, just hope you gradually feel my feelings for you and love me. Even though

has never loved, why are those smiles in those three months so deeply imprinted in your mind? If you love it, why did

peared from the human world. While in despair, he saw her fainting by the roadside. It was the first time in his life that he had to thank the gods for not abandoning him. From that day on, he protected and cared for her very carefully. For a faithful man, nothing is more painful than finding out his wife prepares a

rs of hell, Archibald Arnold still turne

" His hands were reaching towards her but only


m a chance." Alm

talking won't

nd headed towards hell. Suddenly, a god in white

white god is

man is dead, we hav

wo messengers of hell looked at each other and nodded, retracting the chains. Aft

for Adonis Chad, Almira Akshita, and the god in the yellow robe, no one has seen this action and h

m, we just avenge your father."

that and I treat

Audrey Ella would not have access to the killer, but he couldn't convince her. If he knew

d said to the man she o

I owe Archibald, I can only spend my whole life to atone for my sins. I volunteered to be a nun to ato

ald Arnold. Archibald Arnold smiled, the smile came from the depths of his heart, his waiting was exchanged with a sentence from Audrey Ell

s thinking, it's just that the older

nk, it's all because of me!" A

be twenty-five years old, and you also know that Audrey Ella can onl

l not regret it.” Adonis Chad looked into Almi

er previous life, how cou

h other passionately, even if they die, it will never change." Almira Akshita protested loudly.

die, it won't change?" Adonis Chad repeated that statement with surprise. His eyes and sile

esurrection of humans, gods

ses and conditions for happiness." The yellow-robed god answered her. Adonis Chad saw h

e God of Li

, has sharp eyes." The God of Light delibera

, not just to say that my e

ad seen all the sufferi

Hearing the answer of the Fire God Adoni

f the documents of the

about it, it's the first book that the Ancestor o

ople only read part of it and misunderstand it. I want to

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