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Reading History

Chapter 4 Fate

Word Count: 1645    |    Released on: 14/12/2023

till had no intention of stopping, if the gods could bleed, the cloth would be

n the nine worlds. If one day you can talk to me, and smile at me, then I will give up everything I have. Why do you forget me so quickly until you can move

red the most beautiful g

Amelinda Bonita, Amelinda Bonita always used the excuse that his castle

to be begging me for a favor." A

o are madly in love?” Amelinda Bonita sat down beside A

or thousands of years but never thought of dying without hurting my feelings. I want to watch them pass each other every day!” Almira Akshita smiled and said

ime I went to his castle I found him so sad that his head almost fell to

e whose job is to oversee the l

le to play!" Speaking of which, A

ill have

hundreds of years.” Amelinda Bonita snatched the cloth from Almira A

here there is no moonlight, only the dawn that hasn't changed for a thousand years.

he door?" Almira Akshita remembers when she lived in the human wor

ears, is angry because you didn't knock? Or do you think

eaven no one noticed these things, and no one

n old, gentle, bearded god was sitting on a red chair. His

n across from him. Aylmer Frank did not appear surprised by the sudden appearanc

ult, this is di

nly you have the patience to help these people do such meaningl

three of you, Archibald Arnold, Emery Ke

hita asked, in her simple mind, as long as people who have feelings fo

eth is humble, always does good deeds, and has been close friends with Audrey Ella since they

. Emery Kenneth lived to be eighty years old, able to bring complete happiness to Audre

take care of Archibald Arnold's parents and children. Before she died, Audrey Ella prayed, begged me to be Archibald Arnold's wife in the next life." Aylmer Frank looked at the three

would not have wanted to be Archibald Arnold's wife i

ny crimes. I can't let him torture a gentle, kin

old certainly has a new reason to commit so many crimes. I believe that Archibald Arnold's nature is honest. And whatever the outcome, this path wa

nt of the castle of the Thunder God Barrett Harold. The Thunder God Barrett Harold w

uestion, ca

Thunder God Barre

ds, why would heaven arrange for people

has to suffer brought about by trials, when faced with challenges, which path he wants to foll

do nothing? If we can't do anything then

mazement, his probing gaze resting on her face for

but couldn't give you a soul, but he was wrong, o

God Barrett Ha

se I threw you off a

, how foolish it was to attempt to hid

ou still going

ot distur

know her thoughts, but before she could say anyt

r a thousand years like Adonis, how

but then he would know if Adonis Chad knew, would he suffer? In her mind, Adonis Chad said: "If

arold cleared the board,

to go through so much suffering, go do

to the human world would v

the gods, Almira Akshita memoriz

oming down to the human world to help them was the responsibility of the gods. Rest assur

gate, otherwise, it will be violated. The guardian of heaven's gate is Adonis Chad, if she didn't go through heaven's gate but sneaked down to the human world, he certainly wouldn't let

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