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Chapter 4 Things Are Looking Up

Word Count: 1662    |    Released on: 23/11/2023


on and then getting on a call on her way back from work with the new contractor that was coming out to inspect the work on her new house. She’d fired the last one a few weeks back, not

althy for

tment with Mr. Vand

lder. “Me too. Thanks for watching the front this morn

muscular neck. “I figured as much. I can’t understand why someone wouldn’t want

tion was over. He didn’t, which was exactly why she considered him a boy. He was still staring at her expectantly. She zipped her bag a

“You want me to carry that? I do

. Did he not realize that he was stepping over the line of professio

on moving back and smiling at her. She smiled back and turned to walk toward the reception area. The feeling of hi

ntion. Most women would love to be the object of a younger man’s appreciation, especially one that looked like

up her company to watch it crumble

whispered and put th


rs. Martin?” Mr. Vandenbilt sat across the tab

her black napkin into her lap, her legs crossed and back stiff as a board. If working in the public forum for a few years ha

d gas rigs—one-of-a-kind parts, which made him very rich. He waited a few moments and then spoke, which was a power play of sorts, but she j

do enligh

ung girl off. Rebecca paid the girl no attention, her eyes only for the tycoon in front of her. His acco

d you do it well. What you need is a strong accounting and marketing presence. Your sales were down 18.4 percent last quarter, and this was namely due to a restructuring of your debt portfolio that could have been avoided. The lack of marketing talent in your organization is, I’m sure, a concern to

row raising. “And w

aved for the server to

e and Parker had worked up earlier that week to wow the older man. He asked plenty of great questions, and she fed off of his brilliance, excitement bubbling up inside of her at being challenged

he time dessert was offered. He ordered a cr

“How about this? How about I don’t hire your firm and just pa

she remembered one thing, it was that there were no friendships in busines

be quickly suffocated, and you’d be looking to hire another two firms to ta

give an old man c

ext few minutes, or chances were, it wouldn’t close. You had to lure them in, hook ’em and then reel fast and har

terprises contract my firm’s expertise and make your life

d I’ll sign them. All that will be left is a presentation to the board in a we

e and pulling out a file. “I already drew the papers up.

leaving room for a sign-on bonus should their


en there,” Rebecca said quickly an

ring her on preparing the deals before the f

had to go shortly thereafter, and she had to admit that she was relieved. She hung up the phone and

little, not expecting it. The number wasn’t on

the radio off and answe

n?” an elderly

and who is t

ify that you’re going to be meeting one of our new

e a little early, but I’ll be mee

art of town, but he’s working his

ady sounded like someone’s mother, beefing them up f

the thought of being one step closer to moving into her own home, which she’d almost paid for in advance. Thi

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