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Chapter 3 You're the One

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 23/11/2023


bar last night, but then I remembered that Trisha was there.” Parker

ir, their waiting room quite impressive for the small operation they

nt to shower and didn’t, so I promi

ut you didn’t, or

all hall that led from the front lobby to all of the offices decorated in S

e q

lking back out to stand beside Parker. She put her hands on her hips, her blac

e called in this

would someone not want to work here?” She threw her hands in

n the air, stopping her from making a quick rebuttal—”… and b

we don’t have a parsonage. Even if we did, you and

m down. It really isn’t that big of a deal. It’s unf

us, always filing their nails or bitching on the phone. This is a professional environment, and we need someone who can

walked down the hall, the yo

and his brown hair was combed in a very businesslike manner. He really was the epitome of

ind Parker and smiled at Jason. “

et from her, wise enough to leave some d

r Parker, grabbing his arm and tugging him toward

e’s taking the last part of his CPA exa

ut it. I know he’s not the new receptionist. I was just getting him to fill in until you and I ca

d? He doesn’

but you need to get

uld I need

stick around the area, otherwise he’ll be off to bigg

gazing out into the lobby. “He’s such a good looking kid. He’s got everythi

her chest and growled soft

m and sitting down in the open chair in front of her desk. “Oh,

lked to her chair and sat down, turning to poke at

hook up the twenty-two-year-old kid in our lobby with someo

at least be thirty-seven to be on the downhill slide to forty, but there was no reasoning with him. H

“Becca, you’re beautiful and successful. A million great gu

the conversation that they seemed to have every other d


him with pseudo-intensity.

e with his hands, and Rebecca grabbed a rub

im a gi

ive the gu

e b

es, Becca. He’s not

et out. I have

rker stood, feign

ed. “You sure do. You have a bo

oor. “You’re right, and I

a little surprised by his sudden

moved into the

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