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Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



they were wondering what happened earlier. But I don't want to explain first,

rst known I had confronted the two of them and cut off our relationship I wouldn’t

better, I also left faith, I just texted

e what is important to me at this time is t

ee waittt !!" Arri

I accelerated my pace even more and when I reache

today. I want to enlighten my brain on things before we meet again, for

but as long as I can stay away I'll just go. I still didn't stop running when I sa

pped and faced it, made like a mirror, and straightened my tangled hair at the navel. I a

ulled me and covered my nose, very similar to the smell they inhaled from me before a



ng all the papers on my desk

r whoever the motherfucker caller i

ed coldly when I

rly to be angry. I have some i

ur life or else, you know the consequen

happen to be the rival of Allarde but seems like they took the opportunity to eliminate our familia when they saw you therethey really intended to kill that man who I found

the other line, his maybe

inking and waiting for

from that newly formed mafia clicked some informatio

maybe she is a member of that organization , they interview her andthe most shocking part is she sprout something about you, she didn't say anything about you killing the guy but she said she saw you

rip on the ballp

hey did this on purpose and they target to blackmail


t girl. Tell our members to stay lay low

full. That girl you mentioned were there that night, she's on the street walking like she's not herself and w

lling him what information

as early as I can so I

milia. And i have to cut their horn before it grows bigger. I h

y even blackmail me to eliminate my mafia who

ction. As they took effort of putting me down, I raised higher. no one can ever be my dow


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