img Tears Of Betrayal  /  Chapter 8 8 | 53.33%
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Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1871    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



class? Do you think its possible to fully acquire the second lang

in advance, as if it won't be too difficult for them to go to co

o that my fellow teacher would ans

said goodbye to my s

ly went out

't seem to poop ah." I

oking first and come with me

drifted away, becau

saw where we were going, especially since almost all of the teachers a

n?" I wonder the

presentative reporters of each news station are there and you a

ronted by several reporters who were currently

d barely understand what they were s

ayor Miguel before the incident happened ?!" it was said loudl

d loudly due to nervousness, my lips were trembling and I had

they know I was the mayor's last compani

y mind and I frantically seeme

ted to confirm whether it was true as

you messing around ?!" Loud sigh of

ent but would

old my hand to remo

am." I stutt

vousness has intensified, my heart seems to come out wit

en my companions murmured, seemingly wondering, as

ing? Or were you an accomplice in the murder

cause of their questions and I eve

they would be even more surprised and say that I was an ac

ot because after a while, I was so scared that I would have come out of that room when suddenly someone grabbed my hair and put a handkerchief on my nose with a strange smell and then I fell asleep, p-but

onsciousness based on what you said?" the woman on

own house and three men introduced themselves that their f

keep secret so I chose

were suddenly taken to your hou

for them to let me knowI couldn't stop them

know t


hemselves, that's all I f

again and told the Security guards and oth

e principal's offic

ored because it dragged m

d you're suddenly draggin

g ?! And what are you answering ?! Why don't I know ?!

a philosopher. Maybe it's a miracl

ther sin, you don't need to know everything that happens in my l

you went to the bar ?! So true what Mika said ?!" he shou

e say ?!" Losing patience I ask

ell me the truth!" The

become your repo

floor then be embarrassed, but I didn’t want to get

l I want to know is why did you

told you? Then I said, you don't need to kn

grabbed me by both sh

estion why I didn't know you went to the bar ?! What hit you there ?! Ha ?! You're a teacher Mystie you should know

sting. I kept saying that in my mind. but that's not the point here, bec

olding me, in the extreme fire of my anger I don't know how I pushed him

but there were many more. I slapped his chest while crying, he held both my hands to stop then locked in his arm but I did not stop, I was still lost pulling

ing beaten up? !! What do you call what Mika and you did while there, hanging out, kissing, exchanging saliva, and almost having sex there while there were a lot of people ?! Ha ?! Don't make me

t go of my a

you to estimate your mouth because I might slap

what I said. Excited m

rcefully removes the nervousn

ocket of my slacks and looked for the p

ith marealize he quickly knel

lain. H-I didn't like that. P-M

pearance, my face was full of tears and then I suddenly la

reason of Arries, the idio

to refuse !and please, stop calling me love from now on because we were done, we were officially done! "Then I turned my back on

t..please just don’t get l

cause we're no longer stupid !!"

en your most precious job will be lost to you, Sir Principal. "In fear maybe he left me immedia


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