img The Ghost Ship  /  Chapter 10 No.10 | 62.50%
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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 781    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

onstable Bennett, who felt that his senses at the moment were abnormally keen, recognised with a sinking heart such reds and yellows as bedecked the best patchwork q

ere the men off duty were amusing themselves, there came a steady clicking of billiard-balls and dominoes, broken now and again by gr

at as far as results go you have nothing to show for your efforts. During the last three weeks you have not brought in a charge of any description, and during the same period I find that your coll

lished boots. His fingers were sandy a

is for some time, sir," h

ent looked at h

othing to s

s tried to do

certain number of charges, if not of conv

not have me arrest

ly. "I will say no more to you now. But I hope you will take what I h

s wife and children bound him, tiresomely enough for a dreamer, tightly to the practical. It was clear that if he did not forthwith produce signs of his efficiency as a promoter of the peace that welfare would be imperilled. Yet he did not condemn the chance that had made him a policeman or even the mischance that brought no guilty persons to his ha

his eyes that to the general his uniform was an unfriendly thing. Men and women paused in their animated chattering till he had passed, and ev

t these happy, lovable people. It was easy, he had been long enough in the force to know how easy, to get cases. An intolerant manner, a little provocative harshness, and the thing was done. Yet with

h a sigh on his lips. There came for

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