img If I Don't Hurt You  /  Chapter 4 Who Is That Boy | 8.51%
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Chapter 4 Who Is That Boy

Word Count: 1190    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

nce, I don't think that's enough. Rather, it is the in


d, after all, her best friend had made her feel insecur

sped, looked back, and wondered why Sia had stopped suddenly

stepped forward and followed Elin from behind.

a entered the classroom, immediately looked at her with various different expres

el come from?" Yogi snapped wh

were said to her. She doesn't kno

i's face staring back at her while raising his eyebrows repeatedly. Sia was awkward to be looked at lik

pectacle like this. Sia's hands were already shaking violently, unfortunately, her classmates we

it have if she changed her

the teacher who taught the first h

e bell had just rung, filling the school corridor. Sia's smile was clearly printed

oking at Elin, who was still busy stuff

r body to look straight at Sia. "Ye

o lift her butt from the chair. Sia needed water now because sh

g to be exciting," Elin exclaimed between her long steps to the cafeteria. No doubt,

ways like that. Sia was just looking like any other

alk about it," Sia replied while

iet voice made Sia

y. I'm so jealous," Elin commented, her

e this?" Sia grumbled in annoyance. Elin had been stirri

ou're beautiful, but now you're even more beautiful with your appearance like this, just trust me. In class, ever

anymore. She just needed to get that thought out of he

t it?" Elin teased, breaking the silence. Sia, who was daydre

fused expression. "I didn't think of

g a row of neatly arranged white teeth. Sia r

life. She wasn't ready to accept someone else into her life, she still hadn't

someone too much is painful, Sia believ

lled you earlier too," Elin sai

? I'm

lier, I was just joking." Elin jok

till centered on Elgi. She didn't know why Elgi's presence had such a big impact on

chose to be silent while daydreaming between the lo

a second of silence, Elin

ned to Elin. She then shrugged her shoulders, indicating that

w Elgo." Elin rolled her eyes lazi

lt foreign to her. Sia also had no interest in finding out more abou

ed. Suddenly, Sia was confused by her best friend. She looked a

ia said indifferently, and the

aven't you seen what he looks like?" Elin raised one eyebrow. S

d tone of voice. A second later, she too

th Sia, who was already there. Feeling that the distance was quite far, Elin had to take m

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