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Chapter 3 The house was perfect

Word Count: 2132    |    Released on: 19/02/2023

y, so he wasn't able to see her l

d there. He had been shown around yesterday by the

ws and porches—and detailed ornamentati

walls. The windows were tall, skinny and rounded at the top, and there was trim, trim and more trim. It

felt a deep desire, a deep connection with this house. Maybe because

paring himself, before pressing the bell. He turned his h

met with

looked familiar, but he knew she wasn't the Cy

the colors she liked to paint her nails, b

he complete opposite o

sitting pretty just a few inches above her obvious cle

ind her shoulder with he

, accentuating her hip dips beautifully. Her long hairless legs w

ce. She was beautiful, her diamond blue eyes shone

e her eyes. It was

leared her throat to speak, but

rding the property yesterda

e wouldn't suspect her, so she said the first thing that came to her mind. "I'm a

ally narrowed as he star

right the first time.

wasn't prepared for t

llowed. And I'm pretty sure you saw that on the ad before you cli

t down the drain as he just stared confusedly. This wasn't his C

nd it rude that you're just giving me the news out here without e

manager misled you or forgot to tell you. I don't rent to me

" He argued back, clearly getting fed up.

s I do not have time for this. So if you'll excuse me?" She walked

tion, but he was sure of one thing; he wasn't leaving. He

is Kylas

his name, but she managed to comport herself. "I do

for a man who just recovered from a deadly illness. He placed his foot

, please, I'm not gonna do anything to you, I ju

ed her fists in anger. "Do I look li

et a stranger into your house, hence my assurance. I mean

oudly, getting annoyed by his stubbornn

aint it myself. I'll weed the garden. I'll even clear out the chimneys, or maybe pay s

is magnificent!" K

u into my house to

t invite m

should call the police and tell the

know how much of a violent feminist you are, going as far as discriminating against the ma

ment as he watched he

eatening her on h

the h

ning and scheming as the first day she met him, using thes

thing to say, that d

against men? Why d

is question. "Nothing! Now shut

He just assumed she didn't want

no obvious demarcations, which is why I feel it

ow about anything that's ha

men. And everytime,

her because they'd been fighting a lot lately. Later, she found out t

n she would go out, she would find herself flirting with other guys. It took him finding out f

e smallest things, like what he ate for lunch and stuff like that. He once t

what he ate, but why was he eve

, she found out that he lost his job, and other things all while t

cultured, and lazy, meanwhile she love art, culture, kno

she started to discover the person he really was. It was horrible. So horribl

tributed to her character development the most

alousy, possessiveness and gaslighting but

't react at first, just cradled her face in her hand in sho

ust do?" She asked in sh

ght it mid-air. He groaned as her knuckles met h

. She didn't think twice about anything. All she

ust didn't want to be involved with

deadpanned, snapping her back to reality. "You can be sure

re, coming into my house and offering me twice the rent


en me with discrimination. Sorry, but those

. Maybe because she was attractive, but she wouldn't be the first attractive

a credit rating, postdated checks. I don't drink and I don't smoke— well, only casuall

tched voic

ut. Six months ago, he would've never

ed voice, he jokingly

gh at his joke, about to let her guard down, but she

unmistakable glare of

ubbornly. "You'd be a nuisance. I can't even

applies to both of us

s, but a phone call came in, sa


ing figure as she walked to

e place, he would los

l. All of a sudden, his breath got shallow and his heartbeat got so slow that

old him they were debilitating effects of fatigue. So

ng the fresh breeze laced

was this also a side effect or was there something wrong w

thia called out as sh




Chapter 1 The strange sound Chapter 2 Cynthia let out a fake moan Chapter 3 The house was perfect Chapter 4 The strange look Chapter 5 Cynthia shameful acts Chapter 6 Kylas meet new friends
Chapter 7 The Random relationship
Chapter 8 Kylas meet with his childhood friend
Chapter 9 With her first approach, I know her
Chapter 10 The day that starts bad later turns good
Chapter 11 The Amazing Weekend
Chapter 12 Rossi's birthday party
Chapter 13 Cynthia in the hospital
Chapter 14 Cynthia's fake love
Chapter 15 Cynthia visit her hometown after some month
Chapter 16 Cynthia's missions home was successful
Chapter 17 The official move of Cynthia from her homeland
Chapter 18 Cynthia arrived at the airport
Chapter 19 Cynthia's warm welcome from the boyfriend
Chapter 20 The supposed couple
Chapter 21 Rossi's Friend changes overnight
Chapter 22 Rossi tells her parents she has found a love
Chapter 23 Rossi Finally gain the Freedom to stay out of her house
Chapter 24 The shocked reasons of Christabel's crises
Chapter 25 I hate him
Chapter 26 The vacation preparation
Chapter 27 Life in Canada music and comedy concerts
Chapter 28 Cynthia prepared for a business
Chapter 29 Cynthia finally got her business
Chapter 30 The first clash of the friend's war
Chapter 31 Kylas get involved in the conflict
Chapter 32 The End of the Battle
Chapter 33 A difficult love search
Chapter 34 Cynthia now a CEO
Chapter 35 The Changed Cynthia
Chapter 36 The end of Cynthia and Doctor Richard
Chapter 37 The Promise keeper
Chapter 38 The Fated mate
Chapter 39 Kylas and Cynthia begin a relationship journey.
Chapter 40 The Destined marriage
Chapter 41 Cynthia Discover kylas secret
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