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Chapter 5 Compromise

Word Count: 494    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

en she thought of the death of Lara

o shorten her imprisonment prison, not only for

ive both of them and to heal the wounds in your hearts. However, I'

tearful eyes made his h

at 8 p.m.

rd and threw it i

to find that it was the roo

n a hoarse

d, "You regret

t of prison today. My..." She wanted to tell him h

n's pale face, Dor

y to a Chinese restaurant where they frequent

r her and, gently holding her han

took back her hand a

glasses and leaned forward

they could not hide anything from eac


little tired. I want to go

om Alan temporarily. If Alan knew that she would me

me dishes and take t

"Alan, I'm sleepy. Cou

d decided to let Dorothy move into his house tomo

tell Dorothy at the dinner. Bu

and help pack up your things. Y

him. "We are not married y

h she had been together with Alan for so


ed. Dorothy did mind what Ala

. I can take better care o

ed Dorothy would ob

resolution, he

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