img How to hate a Ceo in 48 hours  /  Chapter 6 Talking about the CEO | 4.11%
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Chapter 6 Talking about the CEO

Word Count: 2002    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

it be the blonde in the middle of pole d

d. And the probability of you finding his bride in Babylon is

cker syndrome. But that Cindy girl treated me lik

is is very difficult. But Cindy really acts like she owns


ything about her. Googl

iddle dancer of

by everyone. And it doesn't mix with the Babylonian officials, even if it

rl? Do you think Mr.


nyone knows. Although everyone knows about th

rls at the club? Like... The one

fused. – Why your interest in He

est... I just found him extre

ot exactly an

disqualified assh


at to him? My Go

icket. He laughed, shaking his head. “And

shole". What would

ard... Disgusting, mi

ke that someday. For me, disqualified was nothing more th

t "disqualified" meant as a

e six very bad things mean secretly. He must

rted t

everal things. He even took my phone to help if he knew about jobs, as he to

nt of the building where I

ton, just hoping it might

crawling I was so tired. My l

couch with a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of red wi

? I asked, clo

shot. I sat next to

I thought you would

night, Babi... An

24 hours yet, Ben. Did

e “I” would have called already, if I had kept his number.


hould wait. It's too

hink I'm t

I held him tightly in my arms

did you f

ave a long st

s movie about 40 times already. And I'm

be when John Coffey h

he arm of the sofa and t

you find out how I

that had happened last night, detailing my visit to my

d, a long time

eitor Casanova? Shake me

ng him with my

is he as handsome as he

anything special. N

t's your

l? I wrinkle

ole takes the best-known CEO of Noriah Norte, being

e sentence. And the idiot kicked me

ow you just wante

he pole dancing blonde. I want to know about your cat... How

You have no idea of the size of the man

kissing you, I thought, "Fuck,

muscles . He almost had to spoon

must be well resolved, or he wouldn't have kissed you in front of

you're ri

re is

d some things to take care

ep. I'm turned into a human rag... - I

the morning when my

l in a sleepy voice, no


king? - I sa

life... But you sti

asked, be

one taking my place? Tell

the police and have the number traced.

it's me,

ing to get my thoughts in orde

t sleep... Do

hed. – I just got out of Babylon…

kes you call me at t

ensive restaurant, one of the most so

te me to have dinner there with yo

aughed. – But I think it's too early for that, Bárbara No

eky one. I think your

idn't call to talk about her. I'm cal

to cook... Nor wa

rbara. You talk too much... I'm d

ne... I will never accep

say you tal

last name and that I have a degree in Marketing

... So simple and

my social media fo

for this special being and completely in love with

and Con

the bill. Because within this word

notepad a

d time of th

ave to be there at eight o'clock. Enter the employee area and say you're going

el, th

not very nice. So, strive to be

m not? L

. And don't make up to call the man any

uld never do that. It's cle

ho drinks chocolate beer with pepper, followed by cherry, endin

else. I tried to understand

islike im

won't get involved

hypotheses. Have a nice day

.. Than

wait in line, since Salma must have been sleeping, because

up before everyone else to use the shower or n

every man who crossed his path and it made him suffer, most of the time. He never had anyone who was willing to take on a real relationship. And that's all he wan

who didn't have that as a goal in li

inally starting to heal. And how I wish I could erase the



Chapter 1 How long do I have to live Chapter 2 Let's talk about Jardel Chapter 3 Babylon Chapter 4 Heitor Casanova Chapter 5 The end of a cycle of almost ten years Chapter 6 Talking about the CEO Chapter 7 A disastrous new encounter Chapter 8 A conversation about oral
Chapter 9 Sebastian Perrone
Chapter 10 Hazard
Chapter 11 Did you come
Chapter 12 Why do I love you so much
Chapter 13 Mandy Novaes
Chapter 14 Salma
Chapter 15 Mrs. Bongiove
Chapter 16 24 hours
Chapter 17 It hasn’t passed 24 hours yet
Chapter 18 Alan C and the beginning of the 48 hours
Chapter 19 48 hours
Chapter 20 The end of the 48 hours
Chapter 21 Allan Casanova
Chapter 22 Do I hate a CEO
Chapter 23 Miss Connor has just arrived
Chapter 24 We aim and don’t always hit the shot
Chapter 25 GARDEN
Chapter 26 I'm Not Gay, Barbara
Chapter 27 Hi life, hi luck!
Chapter 28 Disqualified
Chapter 29 I don’t know how to behave
Chapter 30 I'm Sorry
Chapter 31 I screwed up
Chapter 32 Barbara + Hector
Chapter 33 Hector's POV
Chapter 34 Milena Bayard
Chapter 35 Say Thank You!
Chapter 36 I accept
Chapter 37 My heart is in North B.
Chapter 38 Are you a doctor too
Chapter 39 I don't know if I'll kill you now... Or later.
Chapter 40 Now!
Chapter 41 What are you doing here
Chapter 42 Celine Casanova
Chapter 43 We need you
Chapter 44 Shall we discuss the relationship
Chapter 45 Tony
Chapter 46 You're crazy, Barbara!
Chapter 47 We're fucked
Chapter 48 I hope you have a good lawyer
Chapter 49 Hector's POV
Chapter 50 Hector's POV
Chapter 51 Then we will be a happy couple... And without children.
Chapter 52 I won’t dance in that
Chapter 53 Beg, Barbara
Chapter 54 To our perfect first night!
Chapter 55 I’m crazy about you
Chapter 56 He is the love of my life!
Chapter 57 Sebastian and Barbara
Chapter 58 Because certainties are lacking
Chapter 59 An unforeseen event
Chapter 60 Disqualified Major
Chapter 61 Cross your fingers for me
Chapter 62 The white panties
Chapter 63 I venerate the body that carries it
Chapter 64 I'll be back soon
Chapter 65 I have this right
Chapter 66 A ring
Chapter 67 I told you so, Anon
Chapter 68 Deep feelings
Chapter 69 Maria Lua has no father
Chapter 70 A Ben
Chapter 71 Ms. Perrone
Chapter 72 The last kiss
Chapter 73 The whore
Chapter 74 Are you dating Sebastian
Chapter 75 I'm Going With You
Chapter 76 Babi, Salma and Ben
Chapter 77 I'm Sorry
Chapter 78 My medicine
Chapter 79 Hector's POV
Chapter 80 Hector and Ben
Chapter 81 Shall we make love now
Chapter 82 You are my sunshine
Chapter 83 Bon Jovi
Chapter 84 Welcome, Sunbeam!
Chapter 85 POV Salma
Chapter 86 It's Not True!
Chapter 87 Thank You you are loving me
Chapter 88 What the fuck did you do, Babi
Chapter 89 Why do you have to be so sensible
Chapter 90 I want you
Chapter 91 Can I kiss you
Chapter 92 Words don't come easy
Chapter 93 I Want Nothing More From You, Barbara
Chapter 94 Sorry to inform you, Mr. Casanova, but it is contagious
Chapter 95 A help from afar
Chapter 96 The truth about Beatriz Novaes
Chapter 97 Poor and Classless
Chapter 98 Ben got a job
Chapter 99 Letting go of Salma's belongings
Chapter 100 The diary
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