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Chapter 2 Let's talk about Jardel

Word Count: 2581    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

ount your opinion

ney? Ben lo

involved with that rubbish. And still judge me. – Salma sat on the other couch,

's what matters. Now I onl


vi the lover? Or the other way around? B

shoulders. “He was alway

ged me. – Don't start making up this story of "I'm go

Two years have passe

asn't easy. I only got that when he died. And I can't say that “unfortunately” he

nd not out of love for him. I just star

full of dreams and showed me a world I didn't know. I threw myself into it and gave him al

d. I was coming out of my teens and still wanting to get into

reated me as if I really belonged there, being part of a family, which I

Jardel, who until then had only smoked joints to have fun and become happier, started using new drugs. He went through all of them and ended up in the crack. And I wa

tion clinics. At the end? Nothing resolved. Promises were never kept, lying became part of our relati

ore. And when I was at my breaking point and trying to end our relationship, it wasn't just the apologies he was

deserved was fidelity, since I'd held him back for so many years. There was no more s

some situations, I started to simply pretend that I was by his s

asn't ready to find out what his next step would be: to commit suici

a job, lost friends, lost everything he had. In the end, only the family and me were left. The

drugged, crazy, violent boyfriend for a girl who lost her mother at sixteen, we

to help me, give me advice, get me into my head that I had to leave Jardel and live my life. Years later th

. Just her shoulder to cry on. And he heard my screams for no rea

ed in a car accident, I found myself completely alone. I ended up with my only living relative, my grandmother, who l

t I lived with her, I

h some friends. It was love at first sight. I invited hi

I confess that I enjoyed myself more while I was masturbatin

some idiot, that he got my mother pregnant and left, I was never deluded about men. Where's the luck in all this? The mere possibility of becoming pregnant with him scared

om to keep from getting pregnant and best of all:

relatives except my mother, I knew I didn't have her blood. My mother worked at her house as a maid. The old woman treated me like family because we lived there

lives. She had a good job, I kept studying and getting good grades and I had my

the plan wasn't to rent and be on the fourth floor and the elevator to always be broken. We'd have perfect men, h

never let anything shake her. I soon learned that my mother left home at a young age because she was involved with an older man, and my grandfather was against the relationship. I don't know if my

'm not even sure why the two were so far apart and didn'

id off all my college tuition. And it helped with my first job, already at the North Noriah Cent

anyone. I didn't believe that peo

be someone's only problem. After all, we cannot predict the future. Because if that

returned home, I opened a bottle of sparkling wine and went with my friends to celebrate at Hazard. I drank until I couldn't take it

del for eight years. In other words, eight years thrown away. When he wa

tifully on a poster, which I would stick them on the walls, ceiling, t-shirts... When everything went wrong, it was his smile that consoled me. And the lyrics of failed

t even know what problems were. He reminded me of happiness... And my mother... The two of u

t eleven, so the idea was that it would pass. The problem is that I was 27... An

n't think twice: meet Bon Jovi. And fuck his wife.

t my frien

to talk about J

't even started. - Sa

And he managed to be on the "to cry", "to scream"

Babizinha. Ben looked at me.

seen it, Ben

Salma stood up, pulling me off

one-way ticket to Dub

need to kn


ay the rent, friend. You guys

put you

men's room? Ben stood up,

nce of employe

go, while I was begging for this moment? –

n urgent situation. N

ng about endometriosis that I don't? I frowned, trying to keep

doing this? Fuck no. Besides, Mr. Casanova won't get any

jumping an

make u

give you trou

You are my friends and you deserve it. You need to g

will do that

ne who has less than six trailing ze

disappeared, g

and hug

Bon Jov


tle head. He's old and worn out. You sho

is like wine... Th

u understand abo

understand Bon Jovi.

d let it down, with the wavy blond hair falling over my shoulders and halfway down my back. The lipstick matched the color of the dress. Nude eyeshadow to contrast my b

and talked about nightclub in the country...

ht, that it all began. The be



Chapter 1 How long do I have to live Chapter 2 Let's talk about Jardel Chapter 3 Babylon Chapter 4 Heitor Casanova Chapter 5 The end of a cycle of almost ten years Chapter 6 Talking about the CEO Chapter 7 A disastrous new encounter Chapter 8 A conversation about oral
Chapter 9 Sebastian Perrone
Chapter 10 Hazard
Chapter 11 Did you come
Chapter 12 Why do I love you so much
Chapter 13 Mandy Novaes
Chapter 14 Salma
Chapter 15 Mrs. Bongiove
Chapter 16 24 hours
Chapter 17 It hasn’t passed 24 hours yet
Chapter 18 Alan C and the beginning of the 48 hours
Chapter 19 48 hours
Chapter 20 The end of the 48 hours
Chapter 21 Allan Casanova
Chapter 22 Do I hate a CEO
Chapter 23 Miss Connor has just arrived
Chapter 24 We aim and don’t always hit the shot
Chapter 25 GARDEN
Chapter 26 I'm Not Gay, Barbara
Chapter 27 Hi life, hi luck!
Chapter 28 Disqualified
Chapter 29 I don’t know how to behave
Chapter 30 I'm Sorry
Chapter 31 I screwed up
Chapter 32 Barbara + Hector
Chapter 33 Hector's POV
Chapter 34 Milena Bayard
Chapter 35 Say Thank You!
Chapter 36 I accept
Chapter 37 My heart is in North B.
Chapter 38 Are you a doctor too
Chapter 39 I don't know if I'll kill you now... Or later.
Chapter 40 Now!
Chapter 41 What are you doing here
Chapter 42 Celine Casanova
Chapter 43 We need you
Chapter 44 Shall we discuss the relationship
Chapter 45 Tony
Chapter 46 You're crazy, Barbara!
Chapter 47 We're fucked
Chapter 48 I hope you have a good lawyer
Chapter 49 Hector's POV
Chapter 50 Hector's POV
Chapter 51 Then we will be a happy couple... And without children.
Chapter 52 I won’t dance in that
Chapter 53 Beg, Barbara
Chapter 54 To our perfect first night!
Chapter 55 I’m crazy about you
Chapter 56 He is the love of my life!
Chapter 57 Sebastian and Barbara
Chapter 58 Because certainties are lacking
Chapter 59 An unforeseen event
Chapter 60 Disqualified Major
Chapter 61 Cross your fingers for me
Chapter 62 The white panties
Chapter 63 I venerate the body that carries it
Chapter 64 I'll be back soon
Chapter 65 I have this right
Chapter 66 A ring
Chapter 67 I told you so, Anon
Chapter 68 Deep feelings
Chapter 69 Maria Lua has no father
Chapter 70 A Ben
Chapter 71 Ms. Perrone
Chapter 72 The last kiss
Chapter 73 The whore
Chapter 74 Are you dating Sebastian
Chapter 75 I'm Going With You
Chapter 76 Babi, Salma and Ben
Chapter 77 I'm Sorry
Chapter 78 My medicine
Chapter 79 Hector's POV
Chapter 80 Hector and Ben
Chapter 81 Shall we make love now
Chapter 82 You are my sunshine
Chapter 83 Bon Jovi
Chapter 84 Welcome, Sunbeam!
Chapter 85 POV Salma
Chapter 86 It's Not True!
Chapter 87 Thank You you are loving me
Chapter 88 What the fuck did you do, Babi
Chapter 89 Why do you have to be so sensible
Chapter 90 I want you
Chapter 91 Can I kiss you
Chapter 92 Words don't come easy
Chapter 93 I Want Nothing More From You, Barbara
Chapter 94 Sorry to inform you, Mr. Casanova, but it is contagious
Chapter 95 A help from afar
Chapter 96 The truth about Beatriz Novaes
Chapter 97 Poor and Classless
Chapter 98 Ben got a job
Chapter 99 Letting go of Salma's belongings
Chapter 100 The diary
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