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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 26/10/2022


boyfriend, Derek, came up to me and hugg

an. I am aware that he was pursuing me for something that was hidden in the ugly lines of his brain. But it didn't matter

cheeks as I said, "But I did

! fucking much! He had a long way to go before he could be considered a man. But at leas

ll be the location of the party that we are throwing." I joined his arms with mine and we walke

that enormous question mark superimposed o

he'll mind if I invite you. I had the impression that you were eager to speak with him." Observing

nged for any kind of relationship he could have with my brother. In addition to being the most successful businessperson in the nation, he was also excessively powerful. His image appeared in numerous articles published, including The Economist and Forbes magazines, a

only twelve years old, he was the one who raised me and looked out for me in every way possible. H

ers. That was the part that hurt the most. But he was unaware of it, and I didn't feel comfortable t

joyed having one-night stands. The truth is, however, that I have ne

myself out of my zone. While I was getting into my

ved closer to my door

to like you." I gave him a knowing wink. After that, I hastily got into the car and did not bother to wait for h

sexy dress and hang up my arms to one of my boyfriends. And because of that,

recently relocated here from our previous mansion to this one. Esteban came to the conclusion that we wo

eling that something sha

decision to be more ready

irdresser to set aside the entire beauty salon just for me. I wa

ular body. But what I really want is for him to see me as a woman. Now, ten years have passed since the passing of both of my parents. My age is twenty-two, and my age differential with hi

iveness in relation to me. Simply put, he plays the role of th

kissed me as a man. I want him to fuck me so hard every day t

ver been in his life is nothing more than a slut who lusted after my Esteban,

but be obse

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