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Chapter 2 The Offer

Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 29/09/2022


y bed made me jump out of bed fast and turn around. There was Ryder, just sitting on my bed like it was the easiest thing for

shed manner, and cracked open the door to mom's room. She was indeed sleeping, and there was a woman insid

d me back i

I live?". I asked. The questions seemed to tumble out at once. I had backed into one corner of my room and h

ons. As for where you live, I'm a pretty powerful man. Finding you was easier than finding my lost watch. You should make your tracks more easily covered. You n

ime", I told him and he laughed a bit loud at that before pulling out his gun and setting it on the table.

. None of them would listen to you, though

mafia crime boss or s

like that"

n, then back to him. If he wanted to kill me, he would have shot me last night. With that though

. I imagine that's why you were working at that cafe. To save money? Daddy only paid for two years and you've been paying the bills with his life insurance money. School sta

y sight 24/7. I'm offering you the chance to pay for the remainder two years of your school and take care of your mother, a

I have to do in return," I

my mansion at 10am, and train my chefs. Thi

's how to cook? " , I asked him slowl

n't want them fired. I want them trained, and after they are trained, I want you to lead them a

do you even know if I am the chef you are

to finish the job I started last night,

bizarreness, I was putting together pieces in my head. This could be the best thing for me. I could have school paid for

not some sick game you've concocted t

emainder of two years had been paid in full earlier this morning. Well shit. He put his gun back into his belt and walked to me. His presence clo

ter than before. If you don't do it for me, then do it for your mother", he said sweetly, before tucking my hair behi

, before leaving completely. I let go the breath of air I hadn't realized I was holding. Did that real

e road for your new job. Be her


as just waking up and was looking

are you?" , she

Charli ma'am" she said, looking at the tubes connect

om the new job comes with the last two years of school being paid off , as well as your fees. They are paying me to teach their

, almost in tears. She hugged me tight. I did my best to put on

came from the news about a wolf being spotted and breaking into people's homes. I kissed her head and went back to my room, shutting the door. I allowed mysel

care of Ember" she said behind the door. I heard her leave. This was the start of everything, and if I



Chapter 1 When Ember Met Ryder Chapter 2 The Offer Chapter 3 The Argument Chapter 4 Run, Ember Chapter 5 Moonlight Chapter 6 Woodstone
Chapter 7 Starting Over
Chapter 8 Greek Gods
Chapter 9 The Interview
Chapter 10 My Visitors
Chapter 11 Good Intentions
Chapter 12 Why You
Chapter 13 Making Plans
Chapter 14 My Date With Carter
Chapter 15 Interruption
Chapter 16 Looking for A Human
Chapter 17 First Day of Work
Chapter 18 Truth Uncovered
Chapter 19 What Are You
Chapter 20 The Truth About Ryder
Chapter 21 The Next Morning
Chapter 22 The Lost Bet
Chapter 23 Seth's Visit
Chapter 24 Invader
Chapter 25 Cave Pleasures
Chapter 26 The Buzz Killer Meeting
Chapter 27 The Beautiful Garden
Chapter 28 Jordan
Chapter 29 Damien
Chapter 30 Disaster Dinner
Chapter 31 Early Morning with Jordan and Damien
Chapter 32 A Chat With Agatha
Chapter 33 First Time With Carter
Chapter 34 Taken
Chapter 35 Kidnapped
Chapter 36 Trying to Remember
Chapter 37 Ending Emma
Chapter 38 First Time With Seth
Chapter 39 I Do Love You
Chapter 40 Talking to Damien
Chapter 41 Kissing Jordan
Chapter 42 Foretold
Chapter 43 Human Heat
Chapter 44 Take Me, Now
Chapter 45 Marked and Mated
Chapter 46 Book of Alcaic
Chapter 47 I Will Choose My Mate
Chapter 48 Apologies from Damien
Chapter 49 Mind Linking Adventures
Chapter 50 Ruby's Betrayal
Chapter 51 Traitor
Chapter 52 The Right Moment
Chapter 53 The Smell of Berries
Chapter 54 The Blood Exchange
Chapter 55 First Time With Damien
Chapter 56 Hide and Seek
Chapter 57 I Belong To You
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