img Mr CEO, Please Be Gentle  /  Chapter 5 5 | 3.03%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2470    |    Released on: 26/09/2022

the living room, she was welcomed by the admirable gaze of Ms. Sue. The gaze that fell on her was filled with love and respect. She was marveled by how beautiful Giselle was after getting dres

e took the rings back from Danica, but he thought they were now substandard. As he was lost in thought staring at the piece of gem. a soft and loud was heard from the door outside then, the door was slid open and his secretary, Sofia, came into the room with a bunch of files in her hands. “Excuse me, President Meyer”. she said before dropping them on the table In front of him. “These are the contract files from the Blue Ridge projects, please read through them and sign on them as soon as you can, President Meyer”. “oh, and the project manager from the first branch wants to have a meeting with you on Monday. I'll leave now ”. She dropped the file and left. Just as she was about twisting the knob of the door, Zayn called out to her. “Gael isn't here yet. Are all the arrangements for the venue done yet?” “All the arrangements have been taken care off. I took care of it myself, and Gael went out to an important meeting which you did ask him to go to in your place. Please enjoy your night sir”. “It's fine Miss Miller, you can go I'll handle things on my own ”. “okay. Thank you, President Meyer, enjoy your time”. With that, she left the building. it already past the close hour and they was only a few people at the office now. The people left at the office at this time were those working overtime and others are the guards, who are on night shifts. Staring at her reflection in front of the dressing mirror. Danica wore a crushed expression as she continued to look at the face in the mirror. Different thoughts ran through her mind as she sat there. how could zayn or even anyone at that look over her and choose a plain can't like Giselle instead? zayn used to drool over her so much, he doted on like she was his life. For the last three years, he promised to stand for her and protect them and he has been doing so until now, but suddenly he took back the ring that he gave her as a token of his love, and now he even organized an anniversary dinner for Giselle. Who'll accept that,? Not only is she the most beautiful girl in the city center. she's also has a successful career and in the eyes of the people, she can do no wrong at all. The support of the entire city has been her strength all these years and her relationship with Zayn was her stepping stone, what will happen if she loses all of them at once? “Ma'am, I'm sure sir Zayn is going to fall madly in love with you once he sees you in this dress and make-up. You look so stunning, oh my goodness I can't how gorgeous you look!” Her assistant Rebecca, who had been standing behind her all this while exclaimed after seeing how beautiful her makeup is. But, Danica seemingly didn't hear what she said. Suddenly, there was a clatter of objects to the floor. Things were sent renting in the air before the assistant could understand what was happening. “No! this can't be, I can't all lose them because of you bitch!” She exclaimed, throwing all of the makeup items on the table to the floor. Her movement was so quick and suddenly that the make-up artist didn't get a chance to control her hands, due to her involuntarily actions, All of a sudden, Danica turned around to look at the assistant behind her with a look of disbelief with anger in her eyes. Her sudden movement startled the makeup artist; as her hands trembled. The lip brush left a blood-red lipstick mark on the corner of Danica's mouth. The make-up artist hurriedly apologizes saying .“ I'm sorry, I didn't mean it......” Danica snatch the lip brush out of the makeup artist's hand and tossed it to the floor roughly. She snapped,” Where did you find this person? She doesn't even know how to apply makeup! Do you want to be fired?”. “Get out of my sight. get out!!!” At the sight of this scene, John – her talent manager– immediately apologize to Danica while shooting a glare at the make-up artist, who then gritted her teeth and left the dressing room with a look of grievance. “You need to calm down Miss Danica, worrying will not solve anything. you should just be ready and get there before she does. That's the only way now”. Her assistant said. after he saw that there was a sense in whatever she had said she curved

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