img Mr CEO, Please Be Gentle  /  Chapter 2 2 | 1.21%
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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 25/09/2022

n her face. She doesn't look happy neither said. “Ma'am Giselle, I forgot to tell you earlier z, the driver has taken a day off. His wife gave birth last night, so he couldn

s at the office!? With a glint in her eyes, she exclaimed when Sofia didn't answer her first question. “Oh, she brought you lunch! , it's must be nice, would you mind sharing it with me? She asked again, smiling sheepishly. “This is not for me, it's for the boss. You should better mind your business and focus on your work!” “Such a poke-nosing freak, hmph! ” “Leave my way! Sofia yelled at her gently, trying to avoid getting the other people's attention on them. The other woman moved away from her part and she walked past her. With a vicious smile on her face, Maria tilted her head and a smile coined at the corner of her lips. Walking into the office, Sofia clenched to the lunch box. Upon getting into the room, she dropped the box on the table and made it to leave the room, just then, the door swung open and a man in all his glory walked in. The man, who wore a frown on his face, looks like the most precious gem in the world. His face looks dashing and shining like that of the radiation of the sun. His entire body was evenly toned down to his legs, he has long legs that stood him out in the middle of the crowd. Looking at him you would mistake him for a supermodel, he has the qualities to become one, though. His blue eyes look like an abyss of darkness, longing for warmth and comfort. The layer of frost on his face melted into warmth when his gaze fell on the customized lunch box on the table. Walking a little distance, he asked the shuddered lady. “What is that for? Zayn asked in his sexy tone looking back for a reaction from the conflicted woman. With a stuttering voice, she replied “Mrs. Meyer dropped by, I told her you were in a meeting so she asked me to give this to you! She said baiting her eyelids repeatedly, then she left the spot and walk up to him. She was about to take the box away when his eerie voice caused her to stop in her tracks. “I never asked you have it taken away! , what are you doing? leave it, you may go! He yelled gently with his hands in his pants pocket. Jittering out of his sight, Sofia felt a bit relieved knowing that she wouldn't be blamed for anything that goes wrong with the food that she orders for him. But on cond thought, Sofia felt a conflicting thought arise in her mind. How could the boss allow the food cooked by Giselle in the office? Does it mean he plans to eat it? The bit that has never been done before! Well, whatever happens, is for the best! With her attention fixed on the figure of the man, unlocking the lid of the lunch box. She spontaneously bumped into a human wall. With her hand sheathed on her head, she turns around to see the person, she had bumped into. Upon seeing the angry dangerous look on the face of her victim, Sofia instantly became apologetic. “I'm so sorry miss Medina, it's all my fault, I didn't watch where was walking! She apologizes, trying to help contain the woman's anger, but she knew it won't be easy to cajole her. It is very difficult to deal with it. *“Watch where you walk, you ugly bat, it's sure is your fault, what if I have lost all of these? Danica Medina roared at her angrily, rolling her eyes in disgust. “You better watch your way next time, otherwise I will have you fired for being rude to me! Danica warned with a threatening tone, then she walked away leaving Sofia to look at her dispatching way. “She is such a vicious two-faced witch, I wonder why the boss chooses to spend his time with her instead of Mrs. Meyer” “Ma'am Giselle is a great person, she doesn't deserve this pain!” Sofia retorted after watching the woman leave. While leaving, Danica turned back and saw Sofia gazing at her intently, she rolled her eyes to order her out of the room. With a Whimper, Sofia the office slamming the door behind her. Meanwhile, Danica walked up to Zayn with a bag of food. Zayn didn't notice her coming, since his mind and attention were focused on the layer of food on the table. The lunch box contains several dishes, laid out in a different format. When Danica saw the admiration on Zayn's face while staring at the food, Danica felt very offended. Then she put on a sneaky smile, pretending not to have noticed the food. “Hi baby, I bought us lunch, come on let's eat. I will set the table so long! She said with a sweet gentle tone but deep down she was hurting,

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