img WHAT THE HEART WANTS  /  Chapter 3 THE AGREEMENT | 16.67%
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Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 08/10/2022


ar wash he partimes at"Jason's dad's words replayed in my head as the bus drove to the station, It made no sense,It made no sense at all,I was ta

s,I wiped off his tears,I was gettin

ened?" I as

ncer"He said


e the restaurant is not really doing well at the moment,I'm so sorry,I had no choice" H

r? This isn't your fault J

ut he told me that if I could take the blame for your mum's crash they would pay for dad's chemo and that they would do e

need to exply everything so that these bastards can get punished"I

money and they can do things and you might not understand but I

go to jail?" I ask h

elping the murderer of my mother get away I couldn't be upset at him,since I knew he just wanted his only

ho was involved in this and make them pay,I will fight and make the her murderer go through everything you and I are

I could do again,we were going to bury her while her killer was out there I hadn't really eaten in the past 3 days,everywhere hurt,it too


daughters Dahlia Cooper and Jeanette Cooper,my hand was shaking knowing they were going to be without a mother. I found out where the older sister was and followed her around all day from home to the police stationI tried to be as discreet as possible,but she wasn't really paying attention to anything,she was

felt like she was trapped begging to be left out.i did that. My heart ache

d to fall from my eyes as well but I held it off,I needed to comfort her. people started looking at us so I took the face cap on my head off and put it on hers so nobody would see her face,she cried for longer and I held on to her and patted her,un


funeral for her,I held on to Jenny throughout the event so she wouldn't feel alone,and I cleaned her tears when she cried,I ensured her it was going to be okay even though feel down I was scared that it wasn't but I couldn't show

ronger,I promise you I will f

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