img His Royal Maid  /  Chapter 3 2 | 2.29%
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Reading History

Chapter 3 2

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

lation, the kingdom also boasted the most developed and equipped military in all of the plain. However

tatements, an assassin was caught in the corridor that led up to king's bedroom. He was appre

plain, including Anox himself, for an emergency meeting. Anox, however, was not pr

security chiefs. His plan was to execute a

been the head of all issues relating to security since the time of

asking me that questi

"I believe there is a better way to sol

Anox. "Did you say

his neck and face tightened, and his lips were drawn into

ain in a placatory tone, "

he walls of the palace. "Don't bring my

said, raising a voice. He was starting to get angry, a

me, Francis, not in my ow

all," Francis said under hi

r Francis?" He asked, lower

nab belongs to us all," h

hat stood armed with swords nearby,

decades, longer than any soldier, any guard, any servant. He had b

x's orders, shuffled on their feet, d

er," he yelled, a spray of

nly wanted good for the lives of the citizens of Dunab and

screamed again, staring at

ds him, held him by his hands a

eir supply of food and other resources that constituted the daily lives of the people of Ceiptu. The other kingdoms of Djon

e two kingdoms would be warring over something that would be considered minor. He sent letters, but they

t and the battle that ensued was one of the bloodiest the plain had seen. The Ceiptu army w

by Anox himself with a sword tha

wanted this," he said to

would have wanted," Anox sai

of wrongdoing as he drove h

er the kingdom. They went to the treasury that was located at the base of the palace and began

self satisfaction course through his bodies. He started to imagine how good the gold and bronze

he had an

cowed from the violence of the battle, and instructed his

ad been appointed commander of the army

ves, Andrew," responde

smiling. His face was splattered wit

others and siblins, young women, too, and

t had been capt

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