img His Royal Maid  /  Chapter 2 1 | 1.53%
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Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

ndful of skirmishes between the kingdoms had occured in earlier times, and sometimes, it had seemed like a full-scale war would break out. But none of these happened. The aging king of Ceiptu

fective and soon, th

crown prince of Dunab

unab after his father died. Owing to how arrogant he was, rumours spread that Knox was resp

and tried to uphold thoughtout the entire plain. He was a ruthless man and even the ci

d impertinence, arrived late to the meeting. He strode into the council chamber clad in an expensive purple robe bejewelled

xpectations and anxiety, as many of the other k

e," Quincy said to Anox in

ed into space, n

ngs in this meeting have come from their distant kingdo

tained hi

top of the list was the new group of bandits that were raiding the towns and night, pilfering goods and livestock, vandalising public property and commiting various other atrocities. King La

wouldn't be getting raids from petty ban

spat, a frown tw

ve a bunch of lowlifes disturbing the peace of your kingd

issue, don't you, King Anox?" Quincy said. "

feet shuffling under the table could be hea

"I think you should apologise to

ing his fist on the table,

th of the kings and their security chiefs, with many threatening to leave and never retu

ve the din of the other voices. "Enough o

your mouth," Anox yelled back, pointing h

n apparition that had just suddenly showed up. For a moment, it seemed like nobody w

in the waters of today's proceedings," he said. "On behalf of the ot

in tight fists, ground hi

council chamber," he spat. "I

e insufferable," Quincy said smoothly. "Please, avoid

went out through the door, escorted by his three security chiefs,

Djon. "The most noble man in

th Anox's father and had known Anox as a child; he thought the boy was pert and bold in a way that could offe

m. He couldn't believe that he had been ejected from the council chamber

ne," he had y

he is?" He said to himself. "He'

his face and he said, "he's n

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