img BABY MAFIA - [comedy]  /  Chapter 1 1 | 0.49%
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BABY MAFIA - [comedy]

BABY MAFIA - [comedy]

Author: MR KELLY
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1903    |    Released on: 25/08/2022

stared at her reflection with wide eyes. Her hand



rl cried, and her soft, coy voice e

baby toys, and the interior was so childish

It was a roo

t her lips. Tears started to fill her

ous transmigrat

anted to slap her cheek, yet she couldn't bear to harm th

irl. It's not ev

a tod

The tears accumulated at the edge of her eyes inc

would see the image of a to

l was about t

Fuh– fck yo

breath as she prepared he


toddler screaming with her face flushing red. The toddle

suspicious magic scroll I buy for $200 is working!" The girl suddenly coll

ty? Can it b

ly!" The girl giggled a

She was panting hard while hugging her body, treating

new body! Ahhh, y

approached the mirror. She put her small hand

? Owaaa it's sparkling

that only reached the back of her neck. She then dragged

the colour of the sea, deep yet pure

my eyes? Surely it

s she moved her chubby f

look so haughty? Ugh, this c

started to move to tou

t like a mochi. She tried to pinch

Fluffy! This i

She kept trying to touch her face, and thi

sakura petal. Plump and fresh, re

. Cute. C

fully describe the girl sho

ed having such a beaut

it's not

girl did

the second time. Her voice and pronunciation wer


irl g


baby, it doesn't matt

hwas. I'll have a doting hot daddy, a few overprotective

escaped those dull days s

s so excited that she almost kis

f your body and be happy for your sake. You can rest in peace.

ont of the mirror. She clenched h

es are finally not in vain. I'll stand on to

and lifted her head. Bell-like l

the great me, will be at the top of this wor

he's crazy. She covered her


, your existence will be revealed to the world. It's time

face as she slowly uncovered her b

y ill. It's a curse

of a chu


have delusions of grandeur, who so desperately want to stand out that th

ise her illness as a las

reath and slowly plopped d

new world. She had to be ca

he first rule of


e the memory of t

hings like what she experienced now. She quickly used h

at novel or manhwa I entered. Or maybe it's a brand new world– ah,

female lead books. Surely this should be the doting dad

. She then would endure it while organising this body's memory. Afte

y be her biggest strength. Her effort to jot down all t

rl was proud of herself. Her smile reached her


s felt


snooze off, bu


g pain whatsoever. But the sleepiness w


d on the white marb

y sounded as someone in a maid uniform approached the baby on the

pained smile

red her voice in fear of the baby waking up. She held he

you. Even if the boss aband


n door wa

nly sound existing was the sou



y opened her eyes. She immediately turned a

on? What went wrong? Why did

cradle and hit her own

e same as my name, Ainsworth? Or is it something different?

get any memories

kicked the air. She crumpled her tiny pink uni

his world? Where's the promised memory and knowledge of the world? Whe

o roll down the cradle a


es of this body, wasn't here. She was left alone without

o go back to her world.

novel I enter? How can I reign over this world as the p

b char

felt lik

an't end like this. I can't give up

ination of someone who wasn't a toddler at all. It was a

ow something. Time to find out." Ainsworth climbed the cradle and slow

that difficult. Is it because this body can walk? Th

oor with her small legs. The distance to the do

led for a

most bit her tongue as she clung to the bottom of

r. It's impossible. In the first place, I should ha

insworth vowed to get a loyal maid that would be her hand an

she peeked over the small

nnoyed by

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