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Beautiful fox and hunter

Beautiful fox and hunter

Author: Juni
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Chapter 1 Meeting

Word Count: 1093    |    Released on: 30/05/2022


ely shot down on the pile of dry leaves. The man stepped

k liquid, they looked filthy. Strong body, thick and long eyelashes,

dge of his nose was as sharp as a sword, just touching it can be injured. Especially when he opened his deep

gh the dry leaves looking for something. The bir

nder the old tree a curled white shadow, Richard began to take arrows from

s closed. He thought for a long time, so he put the arrow in his hand away and replaced it

a lot of people who want to buy it. Such a strange troonh was most likely a rare species of fox, for he h

e perfect for making clothes. It's the right time! Richa

one says that the time when the moon is dyed red with blood is a bad omen, during that time some strange events will happen.

to light the way. He was not afraid of an animal that suddenly jumped out to attack, or in other words, those beasts should be afraid of a hunter like him. Darkness is like a great curtain covering everything. The present space is an endless black hole that sucks all the life force of all things. The feeling it gives is

figure plays with the waves. He could see the white, spotless shoulders. Her wet jet-black hair clung to her smooth skin. She bends her knees, her body curves like a small fish, her charm is ha

ooking flexible and wet, an inadvertent action

he h

mermaid stuck he

uickened, an unusual feeling welling up inside, like an animal's intuition ag

opped into his head but failed to account for thi

ful life. That just being in this place for one more second, everythi

y clenched, as if he considered it the only fulcrum that he could

sparkled from enjoying the comfort of the cool water around him became sharp, like a swo

r eye at that moment was Richard's statue-like face. Donna curled her lips in a smile, lifted her

oticed beneath his thick eyelashes, his pupils were as black as an abyss, even the cold wi

t, wasn't he? Or was he secretly thinking that she wa

eyelashes like butterfly wings fluttered slightly, the vibration of long eyelashes suddenly

e he



Chapter 1 Meeting Chapter 2 Under the blood moon Chapter 3 A fox tail Chapter 4 Kidnap Chapter 5 Who are you Chapter 6 Ryder
Chapter 7 Bad Past
Chapter 8 Remember my name...
Chapter 9 Come back
Chapter 10 Elysia
Chapter 11 Maybe she had another man...
Chapter 12 Marcus...
Chapter 13 You're just lying to me...
Chapter 14 Trust me
Chapter 15 Under the lake
Chapter 16 Are you ok
Chapter 17 What a cunning fox!
Chapter 18 You scared me that much, huh
Chapter 19 Dion
Chapter 20 Kill him
Chapter 21 The appearance of Donna
Chapter 22 Lie
Chapter 23 Don't do that!
Chapter 24 Illusion
Chapter 25 Safe return
Chapter 26 Heartless
Chapter 27 Snow night
Chapter 28 To me, you're just a pet
Chapter 29 Wound treatment
Chapter 30 Scary nightmare
Chapter 31 I want to forget you
Chapter 32 Looking for that man
Chapter 33 Gray-haired Persian cat
Chapter 34 The bite
Chapter 35 Strange fire
Chapter 36 Rowena
Chapter 37 What is nostalgia
Chapter 38 Can i kiss you…
Chapter 39 Harry
Chapter 40 Do you like him
Chapter 41 Bad guys
Chapter 42 Old stories
Chapter 43 I should tie her up
Chapter 44 Shot in the thigh
Chapter 45 Kill him
Chapter 46 Basement
Chapter 47 Fountain
Chapter 48 Red rose
Chapter 49 The deal
Chapter 50 Old castle
Chapter 51 Snow falls on small flower bushes
Chapter 52 Soul Swap
Chapter 53 Free fall (last part)
Chapter 54 distant dream
Chapter 55 Sneak action
Chapter 56 Direct confrontation
Chapter 57 Hug me
Chapter 58 She is my creed
Chapter 59 Suddenly turned into a fox
Chapter 60 Invitation card
Chapter 61 Burn it up
Chapter 62 Please bring him back
Chapter 63 I'm not ugly
Chapter 64 Do you like Lily
Chapter 65 Call me Marcus
Chapter 66 The truth
Chapter 67 Can we be together forever
Chapter 68 My Destiny (End)
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