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Chapter 5 boxer danger

Word Count: 2328    |    Released on: 12/05/2022

he blaring alarm she set up. But she got my grumpy mood quenched and made me feel better- with

up early because we've got classes to attend," sh

didn't go to bed

p, we don't want to be l

our class after getting ourselves a cup of coffee at a cafe. As we stepped out of the cafe

hrough, the endless corridors making it even more challenging. Walking with Bella whilst eyes trained on

re now right?" Bella in

muttered to myself, lou

ou hate English,"

ad gathered so far, it was a two-part c

focused on other things, rather

y eyes at her. After minutes of trying to figure out our w

e air had a fragrance smell and somehow I believed that in all my classes, differences would be

felt relieved because the universe was nice to me on my first day of class, unlike

the furthest row in the back of the ro

ell from besides me. I turned


hear?" sh

yebrows furrowed and ha

arning an eye roll from me. "The boxing champion! Can't

girls, gawking over a guy

whisper yelled, "You ha

ven, I bet he's hot," she grinned, widely. "I also

"Well, don't judge a book by it's cover, they migh

." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Well, I'm g

nglish professor stepped in and my lips twitched into an

r mouth shut, class commenced in all its glory of seriousness and all chatters dispersed imme


ere except for the lockers, fire extinguishers and school pictures that stood

s and lockers slamming shut. The day had been a mayhem of happenings and I wasn't with Bella after English

gulfed my senses, my feet took me into the dining room. I took a seat a bit closer to

the day felt exhausting for the whole college kids- slumping shoulders and permanent cr

ion and erratic breathing. Whilst she pushed a strand of hair

I asked, taking notice

ed her face


nts!” She groaned comically, throwing her hands in the air whilst movin

if I even talked about any class so, I changed the topic into a light

r majoring course before we went to

n this school was that ex

u expect? Things would b

a cafe close to the campus, we can always hav

's be

a tapped my arm lightly, when I looked at her, I was welcomed by her mouth hanging opened, ey


jeans. He wasn't alone actually, other guys- very attractive

he guys. I snapped my fingers in her face, grabbing her at

just look how good looking they are, th

e not hot, especially him." I tur

en and then: "Do you

n audible g

at?" her eyebrows were raised,

give was; "Never judg

eyes. "You ke

get the words out of my mouth, the vo

ere fre

n to the guy . The other guys were alr

than all. The most shocking part was they all obeyed,

ink they want?"

ack before diverting my

welcome," he announced, an evil smirk

e had commanded all the guys to ste

the h

jest of the whole situation, except for the guy I had

wo, ge

realized the command was directed at Bella and I. Wh

uld we d

teeth, "becau

order' we should comply?" I

k do you thi

with full force and dragging the attention of everyone including t

asking what I was doing. I stood in front of the brown eyed boy and looked him dead in the eye. "Don'

, why let them boss you around? You have your freedom." I let out a sigh, "I want yo

alked away, droppin




ss of brown hair stepped in front of me

for me?" I responded sarcastically before attempting to walk awa

u boys better respect

lse w

h in annoyance, "

y hand into a fist and aimed for the front of his nose. My fist hit the bridge

e. . ." he took lurching steps towards me with each words. O

nding my fist straight in his ribs, knocking out his br

r. Knowing exactly where the guy stood behind

guy I had elbowed, "To

ked.- He's definitely the leader. "You!" I pointed, taking lurching steps towards him

his eyes a

Do you all think you can just boss everyone aro

ed. "Kind

have heard him well, then; "Oh, I

ust know I won't be paying attent

to be a jerk why not take a day off today?" I

on it's normal but when a girl thos


gh me like hot lava. I breathed heavily and clenched my fist, my body temperature rose and I

dly grip. It seemed we were both in some glare contest as neither of us broke away. Even as much as I despis

heekbones and piercing glare-. My eyes still remained glued to

the long silence

ple statement from him


ful chapter. Tell me

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