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Chapter 7 The First Fight

Word Count: 1660    |    Released on: 26/04/2022

tive weapons. Woon also began to feel a horde approaching them, he take out both swords from the sheath

denly a large number of Cheol troops

immediately approached Dan Oh and stood right before her. The man pushed the girl's slowly to be standin

houted the commander of Cheol's army. T

he prince warned Dan Oh. The girl nodde

ades-in-arms are still able to dispel them. In an instant Cheol's army had been defeated. But they had not had a time to breathe a sigh of relief, there are reappearing of

ch Dan Oh while the other four comrades fight elsewhere that are not so far away but still separated fro

nd even occasionally climb trees and deliver air strikes to the Cheol monster. Key looked so strong w

ements were deadly. The occasional werewolf focused his unarmed physical attacks by utilizing his po

ld easily subvert the opponent. The way she move both of her sharp metal slabs as the weapon seems

about to attack him from the front. Woon crossed his two swords at one of the Cheols before him then stabbed the other two monster on his right and left sides. But suddenly there was one Cheol monster

ster running up to Woon by raising his axe aloft. Dan Oh immedi

etal bow. The tip of the axe was right three centi in front of Dan Oh's

eature in front of her with all her might. Her attack tore through Cheol's skin and provide

pily and showed the prince her twinkle of bright face. She felt so proud to have proven her fighting abi

a shiny objects from a distance. Dan Oh is unaware that she is going to get shot by an arrow by the other Cheol monster. Woon re

attacks of the Cheol monster. The more he fought the more he ran out of energy but the number of monsters was even more inc

back. The girl had glowing green eyes and soft pink lips, she looked so beautiful and really clea

very accurately and pierced through the monster's chest cavity. After one Cheol had fallen there were two more Cheol who attacked Pysche. The beautiful and gentle

rp arrow pierced pysche's heart and lit a bright

est. The attack made the crystal necklace on her chest light up even brighter then extinguished and fell o

d found Pysche was lying on the ground with three arrows piercing her heart. The prince wa

on the ground next to Pysche's body. Cheols immediately picked it up and ran away followed by the other

the two monster. Woon ran quickly towards Pysche and lifted the helpless girl into his arms. Woon sat limply on the ground with a hysterical look in his eyes. The world around him fe

lips. The girl tried to reach for Woon's rosy cheek. The prince looked at her with a look of horror and a frightened eyes as Pysche's body weakened further. Before

ok the body of the girl who had weakened gently. Like he was holding

hat girl had left this world forever. Leaving Woon who started crying out his tears because of his deep sense of loss a

little girl was unaware of any arrows being shot toward her. Woon immediately ran towards her in full a force. There was a sense of

ad just been released by the Cheol army. Woon holds both of

strong push from Woon who was now also falling on top of her tiny bod

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