img "Miracle Planet The Crystals Elements Powers"  /  Chapter 3 Her Fate | 5.77%
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Chapter 3 Her Fate

Word Count: 1961    |    Released on: 01/04/2022

at him hoping that she would be able to see that male sixpack line again. But it's a shame that the man has c

brought you here?" the man car

ords and put them into the sword sh

he crystal she had been holding since then. The

her confusion. She also didn't know why, how and what made her come

omerang asked Dan Oh when she noticed the nam

schoolgirl introduced herself and hoped that the

rl reached out her hand to shake Dan Oh's hands

lso introduced her name. But it seems that she is not

looked at him. He looked awkward, occasionally lookin

the axe resuscitated his heavy arm on Dan Oh's shoulder. It seemed that this male

hardly and twisted it backwards. Ryu screamed in pain. He protested to Key because the girl

elf. The man looked at her closely, the two of them had been in eye contact for quite some time. But sudd

Dan Oh said when th

of the two person silently.

ing her brother to make a self-introduction to Dan Oh

her hand. All their focus except Woon's is on Dan Oh. Woon was still busy turning his eye

igh school girl

untry. Ah no! But the planet... Mirac from its destruction" Siera explained without pulling her hand. The

ve Gwi a light smile. The high school student only winced her eyebrows after hearing Siera's explanation. S

great destiny? Even now I haven't even graduated from high school yet!" the only inhabi

too flashy because they seem very unusual in this country. On the advice of Key, the high school student finally agrees to wear clothes that won't attract attenti

her own cheek. She felt pain in both of he

he palace was build has been destroyed. There were only a few villages in the remote border area that remained from this kingdom. Mare village is not widely known by many people, There are only about a dozen people in number. This vill

r entourage sitting face-to-face at a rectangular table filled w

de," she said as she s

t metallic light blue abstract motif at the bottom. The shirt had wide and long sleeves. When the little g

nees. While her bottom part is wearing a black trousers and shoes of the origina

ut here's how" Key stood up fro

waist of the petite girl. Now the dress looks beautiful and fits perfectly wi

as embarrassed because she was unable to realize such a simple thing. She touched the nape o

s eat together" Siera gave her com

She always seemed to exude an aura of nobility around her. Dan Oh feels that Siera has a higher pos

who looked at her with two dazzling round cold eyes. She remembered that this man before him first appeared as a wolf. Ther

Key catches up with Dan Oh and sits on an empty chair beside her, the female s

..." Dan Oh turned her gaze towar

innocent face so that she could immediately eat the dish and remove her hunger. Siera smiled faintly and nodded. Dan O

ic appearance and impressed cold, gave a scathing comment using

hool she has not had time to consume any food, even though the girl has just done her karate routine training. In addition, the journey he took to get to this place is very tiring and draining . They

ust silently gawked at her eating. Siera occasionally sees Dan Oh's way of eating while enjoying her meal, she has a much different way of eating compared to the tomboy girl beside her. Siera consumes her food in a graceful way. The girl shook he

ing me?" Dan Oh finally voiced her curiosity after she had resolved his stomach problem. Siera took a glass o

rystals from Yeon Kingdom get to your place?" Siera rubbed her forehead wit

al living creatures created by my uncle from a black magic" Siera gives brief exp

ded. Her memories begin to wander back a long t

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