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Chapter 2 House Of Horror 2

Word Count: 1293    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

e idea of bringing girls home to a shared accommodation didn’t sit well with him. Matthew was a player and got bored easily. He loved the chase and the ch

turned into individual apartments. Rumour had it that the house once belonged to a wealthy family. The father was a greedy man who was unfaithful to his wife. He started to go mad, cl

ely, as though she had been expecting him. He stared at her,

e silk. Her tight red tank top fitted the upper part of her body snuggly. Her skin-tight jeans complimented her slender, toned figure. She had the most striking eyes he had ever seen. Their emerald colour was mesmerizing. He often wondered if she wore contact

nda to slam the door on him. She had been doin

anted to blurt out about the strange happenings in his flat. He knew if he did, she would p

nds on her hips, her

l kid I would invite you into my bed.” She laughed and began to shut the door. Matthew stuck his foot out and stopped the door from closing. “Amanda, please, that is not why I am here. I have a problem.”

ally caught

either way it was not something he was going to take from her. He sh

ling apart, with little storage. The living room was tiny with hardly any floor space. In Matthew's opinion, Amanda had way too many items that just weren’t


wondering if the same thing is happening in yours,” he said. He held his breath, waiting for her to tell him that he was im

stood in front of him with raw anger in her eyes. “You thought, if I felt sorry for you, I would just let you in after you have ignored me for weeks, said mean thi

then ran a hand throu

heard anything, anything at all?” He had to make her realise he was

resignation in her voice, “And yes, I’ve heard

d closed his eyes to let it pass

had been hearing the voices and cries then maybe they could sort the

about is the same thing, because the one I heard sounde

e, rather than letting him hope that things were actually alright. What kind

“What I heard sounds more like teenagers crying, cha

shook her head. "Sorry, Matt. I’ve not heard a

days and all you need is to rest well?” This time he

ith it. He pulled back and crossed his arms across his chest, seeing the small flicker of hurt pass through her eyes as he did so. When he was small and his mom was o

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