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Chapter 4 House Of Horror 4

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

energy efficient light bulbs. They were in the flat when he had moved in and had never bothered to change them. Stealthily he stepped further into the room as though he was expecting something

m and he spun around. There was nothing there, just the light shining from his bedroom. The strange glow in th

o check, there was nothing there. He took a small step and felt something ice cold

rd whispering in his ear. He couldn’t make out what was said, but it made him freeze again. The faintest wa

began to hear the other voices, sounding a

Matthew could not make out what they were saying, but he heard Taylor shriek and start begging to be spared. Whatever it was, it was in the bedroom with her

which he had left on his living room floor the previous morning. He slid his feet into his slip-on slippers and made for the door, and stopped in his tracks. A prickly feeling at the base of his neck made him freeze, the kind of feeling you get when you’re being w

he floor, and pulled himself into the fetal position. Hands clamped over his ears,

no longer in contact with the ground. He was floating and spinning a few feet above the floor. Dizziness rushed to his hea

he wasted no time and scrambled to his feet, desperate to reach for the door. He tripped over something and crashed to the floor. Pain seared in his knees, but he ignored it and staggered up

He felt bad leaving her there, but he was looking out for himself. He always had. Where he gr

ose to tears and desperate. He didn’t know what to do. He could call the cops, but why would they believe him? Like

wondering if he should knock or not. She could be asleep already and it wouldn’t be fair on her if he disturbed her the one time s

nd he was not about to take that risk. He was in no mood to be a hero. He just wanted to be alive when the sun rose

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