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Chapter 7 : The First Rage

Word Count: 801    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

eftain hisses. “Gwynfo

cked onto the empty space wher

she is going to break the news to their people. He tries to get another glimpse of the box, to make sure t

e up and the Bloodstone will still be there, safe in its box in the village. Maybe he’ll still have a chance. This is something they never thought could happen.

prayer. This news is not going to be welcome, but before she can give it, t

atform, Selmas can see movement in the crowd, a ripple that extends outward. There’s noise, confusion, and then one of the

an older man. She looks intensified, a little bit More than everyone else as she claws her way forward, trying

hieftain shout

of people parting in a panic to let her through. She’s on t

ff-balance when she spins, the momentum of her attack carrying

nswer before she tackles Sythe off of the edg

e Chieftain gr

ks the lid open, just slightly, just e

nside, an outline of what once occupied the space. Something large, flat, and smooth. It would have to b

inks, ‘We

ry loud, and he looks away quickly from the empty vessel, trying to get a handle on what

in fear. A cloud of dust is being raised below

cries. “Form ranks! Some

r stands slowly, her chest heaving, fists clenched at her sides. She mutters something und

u. If you two are quite finished, would you mind explaining to

d full of the same deep, all-encompassing irises that Sythe had only moments before. The same look that Yun

fighting,” he

fall with a click, and Gwyn

s, and Selmas has just enough time to regret most of his life c

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