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Chapter 2 : Caught in the Act

Word Count: 872    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

lant, but doesn’t manage

him. “Don’t waste your energy. You

se Selmas is taller than him, so his toes are folded onto the ground, but Byrin is stron

ffronted. “I killed

e you got

feet make contact with the ground, but he manage

lls his e

into the bush, landing on his rear end. His notebook bou

groans, “W

Izalia! Hello. You wer

s not sound amuse

Byrin as

ighs. “You are no

and neat in a plait down her back, jewelry interwoven into it to show her status. Her daughter, Gwynfor, stands slightly behind her, glaring at Byrin. Gwynfor is almost a mir

lf!” Byrin says unconv

ing Selmas from your subco

s Sel

ds,” Gwyn

n turns back to Selmas’ bush.

then slowly stands, keeping

ense lines,” the Chieftain says. “You do kn

ecites dutifully. “I was out before the battle began.

ext to t

lmas say

t is dangerous for you to be outside of the village when we are

es,” Sel

she said,”

r a look. “Gwynfor.

pleased to be order

ns just long enough to grab his arm and

to look at the Chieftain, who is st

otes,” he

“You don’t need to be taking notes, Selmas. There is nothing to

ds up his notebook. “I’ve been keeping track of every

g agitated. “There is no need for change. We thrive on the rules and customs of our tribe. Our ancesto

Selmas says.

o them. “Sorry to in

e battlefields,” t

ls. “You ca

—” Byri

the Chieftain says. “If you can’t follow the mos


elmas exclaims. “At least l

the Chieftain orders, her dark hair flying


lls. “Chief, we

in says, “If this is

uncharacteristically concerne

’s arm. The Chieftain’s daughter yowls, backing away to clutch at the injury. Two other Warriors dart in, trying to wr

n released by now,”

rin says,

s slowly amassing to try and slow their cla

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