img The Lord's Weakness  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 8.54%
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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1480    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

royal wedding. It was usually the talk of the town but this particular wedding had their world sho

le to tell that poor Myan had suffered from a sleepless night especially thanks to he

y's room and bowed her head in acknowl

around her waist followed Myan into the room where Kass

f the possibility that Kassy could have carried on with her plans alre

d, stretching and th

r is here." Myan ann

n dressed in the weirdest outfit that resembled a helpless

y, "three days are too short to make you a proper royal wedding gown, so we have to make use of wh

ted Kassy rolled her eye

assy asked Myan when she

far away from every preparation. She couldn't help but feel l

lk away. She hugged her arms when she was out of the bedroo

at was a relief. They were all out t

hing piece that served as a sleeping space and spread it on the

aming down her cheeks without control. Sh

ipped from her?" Hilda's mocking voice came from behind her. Care

t Hilda?" Myan s

up, tell me what it

all my life is getting married and me? I'll

h her wherever she is, marriage or not. You should consider y

of his quarter alr

Hilda tried to sound nice, "y

I need all the rest I can get now, who knows

nd take a rest. You need it. You won't be carried in your princess' carriage and I believe it's a long walk

in a carriage so the ride was no issue. Her

thoughts until she

s the

rincess's room to assist with packing. Achu was present, having ta

d. She looked so happy to be going on with her plan, managi

it was especially sewn for this event. "I have told father I'd like to get dressed on my own so that part is clarified. I have no idea when Lord Ash wi

" Myan

uld fail soon with the l

." Kassy smiled and cupped Myan's cheeks

an bit her lower lip, trying her b

chu and my powers.

ou dressed." She said. She was comp

itions truly didn't allow for the evil to be unveiled until it was night time, Ash was a man

your journey my prince

ore than anything, she was super e

to say. She took the wedding dress out of its hanger and stared at it,

e closed her eyes in reaction and did a soft moan. Myan wanted to hit

on Myan. "I don't need to bother with the make up, that i

ust as slender as Kassy with an even tinier waist but her curves were just as

e and was the first step.

h..." Myan blushe

hough Myan was taking too much advantage of this situation and wa

turned his back on the women, g

material and wore a huge purple skirt over it. It gave it the roundest flai

eft was the round crown that was placed over her messy bun. It had a fen


heavy wedding attire bu

y. Both Achu and Kassy disappeared from sight afterwards, leaving the 'brid

courtyard and Myan waited p

tourage arrived. "Fourth princess? The lord is

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