img The Lord's Weakness  /  Chapter 6 No.6 | 7.32%
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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1256    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

didn’t have to bother with going to fetch Achu like the last time. He had come on his o

warning that nobody came to her room without invitation. The king had agreed to this order, wanting his d

ow.” She sniffed. “I thought he would allow me decide. He thinks that just because he is big and stupid, he can just go ahead and be

vastated. A beast was trying to claim his most possessed jewel and

heard neither do you want me being in trouble.” He

l I care, anything can happen and I would

voice his suggestion but at this point, anything that coul

and siffed, waiting fo

her was going to happen especially after realizing that the prince

owed her eyes at Achu as she bow

red her and extended her hand

st offered her a comfortable sitting position and in the nicest possible way. Wi

assy came to k

doing?" Myan gasped and tried t

have been with me through many tough times and you have always been there for me. You have come through countless times

s you're safe." Myan certainly did6nt like where things were

decided t

standing to her feet sharply. "You

most pleading eyes, standing as well and t

w you don't real

never decline your offer, not even for a minute. But this time around, I'm not with you. I don't want yo

ied away. I'm still your princess." She scolded her and reduced h

rry." Myan retained her stand. "If you remain adamant, I'll have

ively, Myan seemed to be unable to hold her

sighed, wiping her tears of

what the man said, if the wedding doesn't hold, he will tear the pal

disagree with him and just do things

the wedding will take place

sible?" Myan sq

her servant's eyes in fear, wondering wha

egan to take slow steps away f


egan to cry her eyes out. She bowed her head and pleaded, "please reconsider your deci

is veiled until the wedding night. The lord and everyone else wouldn't

ind out?" Myan sobbed, "and w

sky and if you get caught, you'd be tempted to

more. "Fourth princess, I'd rather you beheade

knees and lifted Myan's chin. "But you leave me no choice."

go ahead with this marriage, I'll be raising a child without its father, I can't afford that." She sobbed even loud

was a stupid question so she shook her head, "why didn

our consent, will you do this for m

minutes before exhaling in defeat. "Yes, your highness." Sh

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