img Can I Be Loved?  /  Chapter 4 I can't breathe I'm running from the exhale | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 I can't breathe I'm running from the exhale

Word Count: 659    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

e,she is ni


Authoress A



oked because I said I was tired and I couldn't do anything that he wanted so h


d up and I fell down because I was sore, I managed to

saw kanelle dressing Kaden, bu

I decided I will help dress Kaden then dress m

e help me get ready so it will be fast because daddy is aroun


doing "He asked me while

Actually I.. I... I... I. um..was dres

near me with that bad odour"he hissed and pushed me to the ground, I started smellin

to make casseroles ,I

tasteless"marc said and before

en and kanelle s

ake tea for

w that bitch"h

ts bitch?

with other men, like had sex wit

ed it immediately because he slapped

call my name y

has sex with other m

o to the car and wait for her"he

uch a thing to the kids,

me what and what not to tell my kid

bout the t

nes house besides I never wanted to eat f

is his colleague that he sleeps with and am awa

ill soon finish I need go

l here is the money bitch "he threw the money at me and I picked it then

to have bath, after I was done I was dressed in a pink top and a long ski

rted shopping until I bumped into so


id sh


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