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Can I Be Loved?

Can I Be Loved?

Author: Angie library
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Chapter 1 ~The pain~

Word Count: 1118    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

reathe I'm running


wounds,I started crying thinki

before I could answer he dragged me and slapp

about ever crying whene

ake up the kids" I said and he p

ling because of those basta

nd I started crying inside ,I obeyed

omach and I did, he walked to where he kept his ma

d I shouted


fainting and I know that if I

ng me when kaden a

Marc left me and he went to slap the two of them

s plank that he normally use on me,he wanted to use it on the kids and my eyes widened,I quickly rushed

heard my ki

was kanel

" I manag

" laden said. Yes Marc might be mean to me

bad to daddy and Daddy got angry"

ids go to school. I managed to get up and I went to the kitchen and started searching for what I will prepare for break fast,I decided to mak

the kids aren't down yet. I went upstairs to their room to go and check on them

hed t

entered .i got scared and he looked around before coming close to me. He slapped me hard th

s and let them thrash my room

to kaden and I wrapped him in a hug obstructing Marc from doing any tying to him,

y started cleaning my tears,because he hates it when

o.....t crying

se" he said and he was about going when he asked "I hope you cleaned my shoes and you've pi

id and the next thing I receive

arc,I would go and f

t and dress the kids you fool"he

t for me to come and ser........"another punc

e " kanelle said dragging hi

is wicked and heartless" he said and tears wan

ou are eating I will go and look for what you will we

kaden said "mommy brweeng our food upstairs pwesse we don't want to see Yayyi's face" he said angrily,I was about answering that when I heard Marc calling me. "Hey you guys should not say anything bad

went to help them,I brought their food for them to eat,I took them to school. Yes Marc thought me how to drive and gave me

my" kane

mmy" ka

d they rushed to give me kisses. They e

be in this marriage anymore,I went inside to clean


t ch

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