img The Billionaire's Love Rival  /  Chapter 2 Coincidence | 66.67%
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Chapter 2 Coincidence

Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 17/03/2022

ages chilled having a good time and so was Camilla, she danced

it out and have a one night stand, it was the one ti

e that she won’t live to see the nex

face, a lady walked up to him trying to touch but h

ick, no one has to notice it” he sai

ad earned the title of a silent assassi

her heart content with him, when he tried making advances to her thigh, she pushed him away and wal

her liquor, she picked up her bag and dragged her sul

This is not my car” she muttered to herself looking at i

didn’t listen to her, “Do you kn

her be” Robert said stepping out from the

tor warned and Robert laughed. Lyon watched everything i

he swung it at the man’s face and two of his teeth fell

as she giggled a bit, he

et before” she gave h

yes we have” He frowned from th

, what a coincidence” she laughed re

ting her from falling, their eyes locked fo

le he watched her from behind, her driver opened the doo

asked after they left, annoyed

s, I don’t want blood on my hand

fect you, are you trying to be a saint” Lyon expressed his anger, he had beaten up on

blood” he stated and walked aw

be goi


in waking her to the morning delight, she slowly sprung up expecting to have

ng hair into a neat ponytail and clad on a

anny, an average old woman who had the w

I have made ginger porridge

ed Six, she was like a mother figure to her and

uite unusual to all my drunken moments” s

e kissed Nanny by the

nt which would help her climb up the ladder to the top, reviewing her

re on her, she smiled amicably walking past them until she

taking her seat and mesme

right now, I just finished with my first cli

ocked his hands together leaning on his office desk. He had heard so much about he

e in front of him, “I am not here to talk much, why don’t y

s was exactly what he wanted, he nodded his head giving approval to

rking with you” Camilla shaked his hand

ast to that” He replied pou

not” she took her glass and raised it in the

leave now” She said a

and opened the door for her, chatting and laug

have to stop here” he

ember his name after their first meeting, and also

he said and walked away. She had wanted to thank him for saving h

e stepped out, excusing her driver for the da

Jack’s office l

been offered a much bigger deal

back for the review expecting a good news, though he was a Billionaire

few moments ago and I had no choice than to sign with

eal, she was beginning to tick him off, her strategy in business was rewarding. Though he was an

kill her saving him from all t

leave” he straightened his s

g to concentrate on other projects,


free for

hrough, “Sure, time and place a

dinner, he could slowly see himself concentratin

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