img Fated To The Ruthless Alpha  /  Chapter 2 Episode 2 | 2.70%
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Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 1551    |    Released on: 04/12/2021

ks instead. I couldn't understand what was goi

void having my eyes opened when they hit me. The blows were sounding in my ears

t louder and more intense so that I was forced

y eyes flickered, and I sat up immediately. I couldn't understand why she was saving me o

s she

elessly. The men were stron

t the others smeared her whole body with th

red with blood this time, and as she fell, she spat out a clot of thick re

Everyone keeps

whole body was weak, and I couldn't feel my legs anymore. They were numb and couldn't carry

urry from the intense pain that filled my whol

while saving me, and I wished I had gotten the

o stay alive. I can't just help but wonder why everyone wan

I'd avenge t

or me to avenge their de

d in pain, the men were getti

n from my broken bones and wounds all over my body. My messy blonde hair wasn't he

me and let her be." I cried

t me and laugh

ve you will die with yo

. Let her go back to her pack." I pressed on in my p

fore charging at the woman who

They saw it late and had gotten near, so she devoured them

chance to shift i

wolf, which was full of strength, unlike m

und dead, I got a sudden strength wh

into my laps, s

re dead, and your daughter is safe, as you wanted. Wake u

cold chill from my head to toe. I didn't want to believe tha

ng my head again and agai

d open her eyes. That would

e of the lady who had just saved m

ed but still

g tone, and she squatted down and took my mot


e repeated, But that isn

er chest, and in a few seconds,

I felt joy fill me to the brim. I swear my heart mi

you, you will be fine, and we will live happily without any trouble again." I kept spluttering

smiled. I smiled back

savior, and she nodded. The lady als

. Take her home and let her grow more. She is going to avenge us with her powe

, I

the woman and t

are the hope of the pack. "You aren't dead, you will be fine, and toge

ng those words l

e muffled the lady who s

called the attention of

k. My mother is alive and that's what I want to know, n

" I yelled,

e. I turned to my mother and saw her eyes closed alread

yes and scrutinized her whole b

her name, but the

heard the woman's voice b

mother is dead. She can't be dea

in!" I screamed louder, an

open her eyes!!" I begged with a high

t it, or she wouldn't let it get into her soul, and that would be a waste because she would

I shrilled, and she

she said calmly, but I won't listen. Not when my mother ha


and kept shaking my mother, fixing my gaze on her eyes. I can imagine her opening tho

want to believe

ack, so get your ass off there and let's go, or my sacrifice to save you wi

d on me that mom and dad are no longer a


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