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Chapter 5 : A Date or Not a Date

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

r clothes to have dinner with him, but at the same time, she couldn’t

n’t tha

go wrong in any situation,

ed not to see. She didn’t want to answer any of her best friend’s ques

now Finn anymore. By meeting him, she risked lowering her gua

of, but in her mind, to allow Finn to get clo


t walk that

ve five years ago, and she

didn’t accept it, Finn would haunt her until she sai

ng happens with Cody, call me immediately. I don’t think he’l

lled her eye

I can keep an eye on your son for a few ho

I meant. It’s just… I’ve

Grab a drink, see what’s up with the world, enjoy the company of a hot

cking herself in the m

hing you've ever said,” Gwen sai

be really bad. But he’s a god, and who doesn’t like some danger sometimes, right?” Stephanie

oing this. I promise I’ll pay you back someday. Maybe

efore Stephanie had th

ve it when she saw it. She knew he was rich, and she knew he had seve

e sometimes. When they were together, Finn was a very

a luxury car, wearing a watch that cost more tha

Not a millionaire. N

thinking how many z

of Stephanie’s house wasn’t th

e suit there was, with his blonde hair perfectly combed and we

That was a fact. Eve

he curled her short hair and put some ma

inn in front of her almost made Gwen wonder if he w

ce very easy to ig

stunning as always,” he said while

n. A true

d features. Not that it took him too much effort, because he was pretty m

it because she wanted to.

t wasn’t uncomfortable li

but it was easy. Their conversation fl

other. It was like they were teenagers forever. No wo

ery nice restaurant, but it wasn’t

people would spend an enormous amount of money just to eat a tiny portion

hey caught a few eyes on the way, the people inside the restaurant seemed mo

ines on the next morning just becaus

Finn asked as soon as the waiter s

g. When they first met, Gwen was a burgeoning

was born, it was kind of hard to manage both things at the same t

you have anyone to he

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