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Chapter 3 : First Meeting

Word Count: 1357    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

creamed from the door, as she waited for Cody to grab

hey spent most of the time outdoors. Gwen took Cody to a

didn’t know what else to do with a four year old

ings to learn and do, so Gwen was freaking out a little bit. She just wanted to relax

Boots,” he said, shoving the plush l

already dark. Gwen had rented a car to get ar

king lot, Gwen could barely be


ing lot, searching for his car. But as she got closer, s

even so, she couldn’t possibly be mistaken about him. Af

God!” sh

as F

him see Cody, he coul

ldn’t r

tool, but she couldn’t leave Cody there

e kidnappe

her brain, Gwen knew that she couldn’t risk Finn t

n. She prayed that nothing bad would happen, but she didn’t have another

the car and pick you up here, ok? Can you wait seated here? It won’t take long.” She


mommy gets here, alright? Othe

ith her heart aching, she w

body so he didn’t see her shaking like a leaf. Using her best poker face, Gwen s

remembered, and he was blocking the door

g and handsome like him? That s

ed, trying to s

ad a few minutes to pull herse

and his smile almost

music to her ears. But she wasn’t going to l

ct in her life anymore, and she

would see you aga

” she asked, still surprised

of the city now, so I know wha

se,” she

card. He used th

ew years? I never heard from you ag

d with his

e. He wasn’t far from her, and she would hear if something ha

’t live here anymore, maybe that's

Finn said in

Gwen saw him, of course a lot

e could be a totally different person now, s

ith that when they ha

ow? What are you doing in l

of a proper answer, what she was most

even have time

red.” Cody’s voice made Gwen turn abruptly to

could see the man looking over

ain working to understand t

there? Why did you follow me?” Gwen sa

there alone. You said


inn interrupted her,

could almost say he was happy to see her. Now, she couldn’t

ze that Cody

t of similarities, but may

this is Finn. Say hello to him,” Gwen

d the man his puppet, and it took a few s

pleasure to meet both of you,” he sai

een Finn interact with children, and she softene

Mommy is coming right after you. Just a second,” she sa

both of them like

s he th

eady,” he commented after she helpe

we plan, right?” she laugh

arried?” F

of him, it was more than clear to Finn that Gwen’s life ha

her and make more money, Gwen was living her l

oon as he saw the kid, but

t maybe, she

to stand the fact that Gwen had mov

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